Friday, July 21st 2017, Nature Conservation Agency: Indonesia (BKSDA), Sampit with Ape Crusader from Center for Orangutans Protection (COP) evacuated a Salt water crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) that was found by people of Persil Raya village, Seruyan Hilir, Central Kalimantan.
Since Monday, 17th of July the crocodile is located behind the Heavy Equipment Warehouse of PT. Buih Seruyan. “At that time I was both surprised and frightened to see a big crocodile under my bed. I ran and was chased by it, but the crocodile swam into the ditch behind the warehouse.”, said Mustarhin (40 years old).
“For the past 15 years, this is the first time I saw a crocodile came inside (the warehouse area). Maybe the crocodile is from the Seruyan River and (was) here to search for something to eat.”, he added.
“The handover of Salt water crocodile that is protected by UU No. 5 Th. 1990 about the Nature and Ecosystem Conservation today is the result of people’s awareness to protect the animals from the habitat loss and to prevent the conflict with people”., said Muriansyah the Commander of BKSDA, Sampit.
“We appreciate the active role of people to handle the conflict with wild animals.”, said Faruq form Center for Orangutan Protection. “Whatever kind of wild animals is going to approach settlement (villages) is they are losing their habitat and their food source.”, Faruq added. Next, the crocodile is going to be released in safer place. (Petz)
Jumat, 21 Juli 2017, BKSDA Pos Sampit bersama APE Crusader dari Centre for Orangutan Protection mengevakuasi buaya muara (Crocodylus Porosus) yang ditemukan warga desa Persil Raya, Seruyan Hilir, Kalimantan Tengah.
Sejak Senin, 17 Juli buaya itu berada di parit belakang gudang alat berat dan minyak PT. Buih Seruyan. “Waktu itu saya dikagetkan kedatangan buaya yang besar tepat di bawah tempat tidur saya. Saya lari dan sempat dikejar, namun buaya menceburkan diri ke parit yang berada di belakang gudang.”, ujar Mustarhin (40 tahun).
“Selama 15 tahun, baru kali ini buaya masuk ke dalam. Mungkin buaya ini masuk dari sungai Seruyan untuk mencari makan.”, tambahnya.
“Penyerahan buaya muara yang dilindungi UU No 5 Tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya ini adalah atas kesadaran warga masyarakat untuk melindungi satwa liar ini dari ancaman gangguan habitat dan konflik terhadap masyarakat.”, demikian penjelasan Muriansyah, komandan BKSDA Pos Sampit.
“Kami mengapresiasi peran aktif masyarakat dalam penanganan konflik satwa liar.”, kata Faruq dari Centre for Orangutan Protection. “Satwa liar apapun akan terus terdesak dan semakin mendekat ke manusia jika habitat yang menjadi tempat tinggal dan mencari makannya terganggu.”, tegas Faruq lagi. Selanjutnya, buaya akan dilepasliarkan kembali ke tempat yang lebih aman. (Petz)