JABRICK has had her ups & downs since coming to COP Borneo. If you remember in Feb 2015 JABRICK who was only 1yr old was stolen from her Mum at the time her Mum was killed. JABRICK was very skinny & weak and the ‘owners’ realised they did not know how to care for such a young baby and so surrendered her. JABRICK was severely malnourished as she had only been given condensed milk and because an orangutan baby in the wild can suckle from their Mother for up to 8yrs was also denied many antibodies normally absorbed from Mum’s colostrum.

When JABRICK first arrived it took many months to bring her health up but the COP Team did increase her health and although only a baby she was one of the top climbers in forest school and often would not come down at the end of the day. Then JABRICK, whose defenses (because of the reasons mentioned above) were low caught Malaria and got really sick. She was removed from the cages and put in the temporary clinic and was under the constant care of the COP Borneo vet. She was sick for quite a few weeks but then slowly recovered and went back to Forest School where she was the orangutan who would climb the highest and not want to come down each day, she was top of her class even though she was the baby of the group.

Two weeks ago she caught influenza so had to again be removed from the cages and was taken to the temporary clinic whilst I was there. She was kept warm and Dr Iman tried everything to get her to eat as she had lost her appetite. When she wouldn’t eat enough Jabrick was given intravenous food and was monitored 24hrs a day. A a big orange teddy bear was bought for her so she could cling to it in her little basket in the clinic while she slept. Her condition continued to weaken as she would not eat or drink and finding veins to intravenously feed became increasingly difficult. Sadly on 15th January she passed away. We are all absolutely devastated as she was one of our little champions. RIP Jabrick, we will never forget you.

For those who had adopted Jabrick please see the email we have sent you and reply to that email as we will not be replying to any comments in the comments box below as they are not able to be tracked. Thank you The devastated COP Team.


Centre for Orangutan Protection membutuhkan 1 (satu) orang Dokter Hewan. Anda akan menjadi anggota tim untuk berkeliling Kalimantan menjalankan operasi penyelamatan orangutan. Operasi ini tidak terbatas pada orangutan saja, namun juga berbagai jenis satwa liar lainnya.

Kirimkan Surat Lamaran anda ke: segera. Lamaran akan segera ditutup segera setelah kami mendapatkan kandidat yang tepat.


Fires are always going to occur, whether deliberate or not, and they can also be caused by El Nino effects. We have every reason to prepare ourselves and be on full alert. The orangutan rescue centre that we run stands upon coal deposits a mere few metres below the surface. This forest region is also divided by the trans-Kalimantan road, where careless road users can just throw out their still-lit cigarette butts, starting fires in the dry grass and leaves.

With the resources that we have, we have created a system to prevent the orangutans in our care from suffering during these fires. We have bought several new water pumps, connected taps at a number of locations and prepared hoses at each site. Through radio and internet, we have been monitoring the movement of fires and hot spots. Fire patrols are in place and firebreaks have been created.

That grave day finally arrived – fire ripped along the trans-Kalimantan road that passes through our centre. Little more could be done than to defend ourselves so that the fire did not spread to our location. The situation late that night felt like hell. Fire danced and licked at the sky, as though giving us a warning – we are nothing in this great big universe.

We prayed with everything that we had. We called to all the spirits and ghosts that dwell in the forests. It seems that somebody was listening. The wind changed direction and slowly died down, though the fires that week had destroyed at least 800 hectares of the rich and biodiverse Labanan Research Forest. The good news is, we were safe, the orangutans were safe, and all of our supporting facilities were also unharmed.

All the same, we couldn’t sit by and watch the fires burning through other areas. Almost the entire island of Kalimantan was burning, the fires depleting the forests and threatening the wildlife. We had to set priorities for our teams. We chose the Tanjung Puting National Park in Central Kalimantan, and the Wain River Protected Forest. Tanjung Puting National Park is a home for 6000 orangutans, and our associates there – the Friends of the National Park Foundation (FNPF) and Orangutan Foundation International (OFI), were putting their lives on the line to extinguish the fires. The first hurdle for us was distance. The APE Crusader team drove for 3 days non-stop from Berau to Pangkalan Bun. The APE Warrior team flew to Balikpapan in Kalimantan, the only city with an airport still open, despite the thick smoke obstructing pilots’ vision. From Balikpapan, the team drove across South Kalimantan, headed for Central Kalimantan.

We began working at Beguruh Camp, where FNPF has been restoring the region since 2003. The trees that had been planted there were wiped out in a fire in 2006, but FNPF did not give up. With the help of the local community, they again replanted the area, to only be burned down again this time. But they have a good reason not to give up. As well as being a vital habitat for orangutans, Tanjung Puting National Park also gives life to the local community through the ecotourism sector. Sixteen thousand tourists visit the area each year to see the orangutans. Orangutans need forest, so they must ensure that the forest remains.

Our determination to save the forest and the orangutans from fire has truly been tested. While we were fighting to extinguish the fires, the house of one of our team members, Paulinus, was burnt to the ground. The forest fire crept its way into the village and engulfed a number of houses. Sadly, Paulinus’ grandfather lost his life in this tragedy. But will we give up? No!

We flew out a drone to monitor the situation and record the damage. We found that there are still a number of fire hotspots and smoke billowing. Hopefully they will soon die out, because the rain has begun to fall. Our estimate is that at least 91,000 hectares of the Tanjung Puting National Park region has been burnt down, 7,000 hectares of which are forest areas. This equates to the combined total of the destruction caused by the fires of both 1997 and 2006. The biggest task is yet to come – replanting. COP has decided to carry out an investigation. Somebody must be held accountable, particularly since we received a report from a water bomber pilot, that he witnessed 3 people fleeing from a place where they should not have been. It is suspected that these people were paid by the palm oil industry.  In that region, 500 hectares of land are held and defended by the local community, who refuse to sell to the palm oil companies. If the land has all been burnt down like this, what is left to defend?

Meanwhile, other teams moved out to Wain River Protected Forest, an area of vital habitat to orangutans and sunbears only 15 kilometres from Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.  Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation have released 80 orangutans in this area. For this reason, we decided to help out here. Wain River is managed by the Protected Forest Management Body, a technical implementation unit from the Balikpapan city government. Compared to other regions, perhaps the handling of issues in this area is better. The local government assigned 150 soldiers to extinguish the fires. We endeavoured to prevent the spread of fires into this area. Firebreaks were created to isolate the fires and prevent spreading. A team was put on patrol in order to ensure no fires were able to creep in, and to put out the remaining fires that could potentially reignite. We stayed at Jamaludin camp, approximately 4 hours on foot from the forest entrance.

The rain has now fallen, put out the fires, and washed away the community’s anger and the evidence of crimes that may have been committed here by forest felons. There is one big question that is always asked of us by the media and journalists: How many orangutans have become victims of the forest fires? We don’t know. What is certain is, at the time that you are reading this, our rescue centre has gained two new residents. One more has just arrived at the Forest Ministry facility in Tenggarong, East Kalimantan. As usual, we have little information of their backgrounds. If only orangutans could speak a human language, they would surely have much to tell us.

We express our thanks to The Orangutan Project, Monkey Business, International Fund for Animal Welfare, The Forest Trust and Indonesia Orangutan Forum, who have all supported us with funds and equipment for this operation.




Kebakaran pasti akan terjadi, baik disengaja atau tidak. Bisa juga karena  gejala alam El Nino. Kami memiliki semua alasan untuk mempersiapkan diri dan bersiaga penuh. Pusat Penyelamatan Orangutan yang kami jalankan berdiri di atas deposit batubara, hanya beberapa meter saja dalamnya. Jalan trans Kalimantan, juga membelah kawasan hutan itu. Para sopir yang ceroboh bisa saja membuang puntung rokoknya yang masih menyala dan membakar serasah daun serta rerumputan kering.

Dengan sumber daya seadanya, kami menciptakan system untuk mencegah agar orangutan yang berada dalam perawatan kami tidak terpanggang dalam panggang. Kami membeli beberapa mesin pompa air baru, membuat dan menghubungkan  titik – titik kran dan menyiapkan selang di lokasi. Dari radio kami memantau pergerakan api, dari internet kami memantau trend hot spot. Patroli api dijalankan. Sekat api juga dibuat.

Hari besar itu akhirnya terjadi. Api membakar sepanjang jalan trans Kalimantan yang melewati pusat kami. Tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan selain mempertahankan diri agar api tidak merambat ke lokasi kami. Malam – malam itu situasinya seperti neraka. Api menari dan menjilat langit, terlihat memberikan peringatan kepada kami: bahwa kami bukanlah apa – apa di alam raya ini.

Kami berdoa dengan semua doa yang kami ingat. Kami memanggil semua arwah binatang dan hantu yang mendiami hutan. Nampaknya, ada yang mendengarnya. Angin berubah arah dan menjauh, pelan – pelan meredup dan mati. Kebakaran minggu itu telah menghancurkan setidaknya 800 hektar hutan penelitian Labanan yang kaya akan keanekaragaman hayati. Berita baiknya, kami selamat, orangutan selamat dan seluruh fasilitas pendukung juga selamat.

Namun demikian kami tidak bisa berdiam diri melihat kebakaran di tempat lain. Hampir seluruh Kalimantan sedang terbakar. Api menghabiskan hutan – hutan dan mengancam satwa liar. Kami harus menentukan prioritas untuk menerjunkan tim. Kami memilih Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting di Kalimantan Tengah dan Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain. Taman Nasional Tanjung adalah rumah bagi 6000 orangutan dan sekutu kami di sana, yakni FNPF dan OFI sedang berjuang mempertaruhkan nyawa untuk memadamkan api. Rintangan pertama yang menghadang adalah jarak. Tim APE Crusader harus mengemudikan mobilnya dari Berau ke Pangkalan Bun. Jaraknya 3 hari non stop mengemudi. Tim APE Warrior harus terbang dulu ke Balikpapan di Kalimantan, satu – satunya kota yang bandaranya tidak ditutup karena asap benar – benar sudah menghalangi pandangan. Dari Balikpapan, tim mengemudi melintasi Kalimantan Selatan dan lalu menuju Kalimantan Tengah.

Kami mulai bekerja di Camp Beguruh, dimana FNPF merestorasi kawasan ini sejak tahun 2003. Pohon – pohon yang pernah ditanami, pernah ludes terbakar pada tahun 2006. Mereka tidak putus asa. Dengan bantuan masyarakat setempat mereka kembali menanami kawasan itu. Kali ini terbakar lagi. Mereka punya alasan kuat kenapa tidak boleh menyerah. Selain menjadi habitat penting bagi orangutan, Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting juga  memberikan penghidupan bagi masyarakat setempat dari sektor ekowisata. Setidaknya, 16.000 wisatawan datang berkunjung setiap tahunnya: untuk melihat orangutan. Orangutan butuh hutan dan mereka harus memastikan bahwa hutan itu tetap ada.

Semangat kami untuk menyelamatkan hutan dan orangutan dari kobaran api, kali ini benar – benar diuji. Di saat kami sedang berjuang memadamkan api, rumah salah satu anggota tim kami, Paulinus, terbakar habis. Api kebakaran hutan menjalar ke kampungnya dan melalap beberapa rumah. Kakeknya tewas dalam tragedi itu. Menyerah? Tidak!

Kami menerbangkan drone, memantau situasi menginventarisasi kerusakan. Kami menemukan masih ada beberapa titik api dan asap yang mengepul. Semoga lekas padam, karena hujan mulai turun. Perkiraan kami, setidaknya 91.000 hektar kawasan Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting telah terbakar, 7.000 hektar diantaranya adalah kawasan berhutan. In setara dengan kombinasi 2 kebakaran yang pernah terjadi pada tahun 1997 dan 2006. Tugas berat lainnya sudah menunggu: menanaminya kembali. COP memutuskan untuk melakukan investigasi. Harus ada yang  bertanggung jawab, terutama setelah kami mendapatkan laporan dari pilot helikopter pengebom air, bahwa dia melihat 3 orang berlarian di tempat yang tIdak semestinya. Diduga, mereka adalah orang – orang bayaran perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Di kawasan itu, terdapat hutan seluas 500 hektar yang sedang dipertahankan oleh masyarakat setempat. Mereka menolak untuk menjualnya ke perusahaan kelapa sawit. Jika sudah terbakar habis seperti ini, apa lagi yang harus dipertahankan?

Sementara itu, tim lainnya bergerak ke Hutan LIndung Sungai Wain, habitat penting bagi orangutan dan beruang. Jaraknya hanya 15 km dari kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Yayasan BOS melepasliarkan 80 orangutan di sini. Karena itulah kami memutuskan untuk membantu di sini.  Sungai Wain dikelola oleh Badan Pengelola Hutan Lindung, sebuah Unit Pelaksana Teknis dari pemerintah kota Balikpapan. Dibandingkan kawasan lain, mungkin penanganan di sini lebih baik. Pemerintah kota setempat menerjunkan 150 orang tentara untuk memadamkan api. Kami memilih untuk mencegah meluasnya api ke dalam kawasan. Sekat api dibuat untuk mengisolasi apai agar tidak merambat. Tim berpatroli untuk memastikan tidak ada api yang merambat dan mematikan sisa api yang mungkin bisa berkobar lagi. Kami tinggal di camp Jamaludin, kira – kira 4 jam berjalan kaki dari pintu masuk kawasan.

Hujan kini telah turun. Api kebakaran padam, membasuh semua amarah masyarakat dan bukti – bukti kejahatan yang mungkin pernah dilakukan para kriminal kehutanan. Ada 1 pertanyaan besar yang selalu ditanyakan kepada kami oleh para jurnalis: berapakah orangutan yang menjadi korban dari kebakaran hutan? Kami tidak tahu. Yang pasti, saat anda membaca ini, Pusat Penyelamatan kami sudah terisi 2 penghuni baru. Ada 1 lagi yang baru datang di fasilitas milik Kemenhut di Tenggarong, Kalimantan Timur. Seperti biasa, tidak banyak informasi mengenai latar belakang mereka. Anda orangutan bisa bahasa manusia, tentu dia akan bercerita banyak.

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada The Orangutan Project, Monkey Business, International Fund for Animal Welfare, The Forest Trust dan Forum Orangutan Indonesia yang telah mendukung kami dana dan peralatan untuk operasi ini.


Hi… i’m Ambon. Do you still remember me? I’m not cute anymore. Yes… i’m the oldest and the biggest resident at the sanctuary. Ambon is 3 times the size of us. But don’t be fooled by his greatness, this one is a gentle soul.

Animal keeper said that Ambon loves to play with the butterflies, that he loves to watch them land on his hairy arm.

Unfortunately Ambon will never be returned to be wild as he has been incorrectly for too long. Ambon will need our care for the rest of his life.

Click here to ADOPT Ambon


I never believed in love at the first sight but the moment I met Jabrik (Indonesian for spiky hair) that exactly what happened! The youngest and the tiniest of the bunch, Jabrick is the most enthusiast student at the forest school, COP Labanan, East Kalimantan. I am not to mention the most independent regarding his age, he would climbs up the tree so high and refuse to come down. He knows how to make his own nest (out of leaves and branches the way orangutans do) now that is incredible for he’s only just a baby right now.

He also got the best table manner of them all, his favorite is definitely cucumber, while the other orangutans would split the cucumber and eats only the peeps and inner flesh and throw away the rest, Jabrik would bite the cucumber from one corner very thoroughly and eat the whole cucumber with the high level of seriousness on his baby face which always make me laugh every time I watched him ate.

When it comes to drinking milk (Orangutans absolute favorite drink!) most of them would gulp down the milk in no time and looking for other’s to steal, but not Jabrik, he would go to a safe corner and drink his milk out of the cup slowly and surely and if the other happens to rob his milk off him, he won’t cry, instead he just look at the keeper calmly knowing he’ll get justice by getting another cup of fresh milk. There is no denying that he is my favorite of the bunch, and when I left the sanctuary I felt good knowing that he’s got a bright future ahead of him and someday maybe my great grand children would be as lucky as I am to witness Jabrick and friends swinging freely and happily from tree to tree.

Saya tidak pernah percaya cinta pada pandangan pertama sampai akhirnya saya bertemu dengan Jabrick (Jabrik = rambut yang naik ke atas/jigrak). Dia adalah yang termuda dan yang terkecil dari kelompok orangutan sekolah hutan di COP Labanan, Kalimantan Timur. Jabrick adalah murid yang paling antusias di sekolah hutan. Dia memanjat pohon tinggi dan menolak untuk turun. Dia tahu bagaimana membuat sarang sendiri (dari daun-daun yang ditumpuk diantara cabang seperti orangutan dewasa) di usianya yang masih kecil.

Jabrick juga memiliki cara makan terbaik dibandingkan orangutan lainnya di sekolah hutan COP Labanan. Makanan favoritnya adalah timun, dengan cara mengigit ujungnya dan secara perlahan memakan timun tersebut hingga tidak bersisa dengan wajah bocah seriusnya, yang membuat saya tertawa setiap kali memperhatikannya. Berbeda dengan orangutan lainnya yang membagi dua timun lalu memakan bagian dalamnya lalu membuangnya.

Saat minum susu tiba (Orangutan sangat menyukai susu), kebanyakan mereka menelan susu dalam waktu singkat dan mencari cara untuk mencuri susu yang lain. Dan Jabrick tidak seperti itu. Jabrick akan pergi ke sudut yang aman dan minum susu dari cangkir secara perlahan dan jika yang lainnya merampok susunya, dia tidak menangis, dia hanya melihat ke animal keeper dengan tenang karena dia yakin akan  mendapat keadilan dengan secangkir susu pengganti. Tak terbantahkan lagi, Jabrick adalah orangutan favorit saya. Saat saya harus meninggalkan COP Labanan, saya merasa tenang mengetahui bahwa Jabrick memiliki masa depan yang cerah dan suatu hari nanti mungkin cucu dan cicit saya akan seberuntung saya, bisa menyaksikan Jabrick dan teman-temannya berayun bebas dan bahagia dari pohon ke pohon lainnya di hutan.


Akhirnya hujan turun setelah kemarau selama 6 bulan. Sekolah hutan tampak lebih hijau dan udara terasa basah. Biasanya akan banyak sekali sarang semut yang muncul. Salah satu pakan orangutan penghasil protein yang sangat disukai mereka. Ini bukan makanan yang baru untuk mereka yang dulunya berada di Kebun Raya Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda, karena COP sering memberikan sarang semut ke mereka karena mudah didapat di sekitaran kebun raya.


Berbeda dengan #orangutanJabrick. Dia memakannya dengan perlahan, mungkin dia mengingat ibunya pernah memberikan sarang semut kepadanya. Mengorek lubang-lubangnya, menggapai telur-telur semut yang bersembunyi di dalamnya dan menghisapnya. Ketika makin sulit untuk menggapai larva semut, Jabrick mulai memukul-mukul sarang dan mengupasnya. Hampir seharian dia menghabiskan waktunya dengan sarang semut ini. Terhitung hanya dua kali memanjat pohon, itu pun tidak terlalu tinggi. Padahal biasanya, Jabrick menghabiskan waktunya di rimbunnya pepohonan.




Valentino Unyil Ngau is the name of the tiny 3 year old, thick brown haired orangutan. He has just joined the other orangutans his age in forest school, after being surrendered by his owner to the Kalimantan COP team on the 13th of April 2015. Valentino’s name comes from the belief that this young orangutan was born in April 2012; the name Unyil is taken from a famous cartoon character on national television, and Ngau is a name that comes from the family who previously owned the orangutan.

Unyil was kept in a wooden cage measuring 50x50x50cm, only able to reach out his fingers and arms to take food. The cage was also kept in the toilet, making it very damp. Every morning Unyil’s owner gave him a drink of tea, and rice for breakfast. When he was first found, Unyil looked very pale. Doctors assumed this was due to Unyil rarely seeing the light of day, considering he had been kept inside a bathroom.

Unyil is now in forest school. He looks much happier. He loves climbing trees, learning to eat young leaf shoots, and has even occasionally been seen eating termites with his orangutan classmates. This is great news considering that when he first arrived, Unyil was not even able to open a banana or eat other fruit. Unyil is a fast learner. Forest school’s notes show that he has already braved climbing trees as tall as 30 metres.

It’s still a long time before Unyil can return to his home in the forest. But at least for now Unyil is with friends, no longer alone, like he has been these past 3 years, in a cold cage in a foul-smelling toilet.

By adopting Unyil, you can help him to learn in forest school so that his home will no longer be a cage.


Valentino Unyil Ngau adalah nama orangutan kecil berumur 3 tahun, berambut tebal, serta berwarna coklat gelap. Ia baru saja bergabung dengan teman-teman seumurnya di sekolah hutan setelah pemilik Unyil menyerahkan Unyil kepada tim COP Kalimantan pada 13 April 2015. Nama Valentino diambil dari dari keyakinan bahwa orangutan muda ini lahir pada bulan April 2012. Kemudian Unyil sendiri merupakan tokoh kartun lucu yang sangat terkenal di televisi nasional dan Ngau merupakan nama besar keluarga pemilik orangutan ini. Keseharian orangutan ini dipanggil dengan nama Unyil.

Unyil diletakan di dalam kandang kayu berukuran 50x50x50cm. Hanya jari dan lengan tangannya yang dapat keluar untuk mengambil makanan. Kandang tersebut juga berada di dalam toilet sehingga sangatlah lembab. Setiap pagi si pemilik Unyil memberikan minuman teh dan nasi untuk sarapan pagi.

Saat ditemukan pertama kali Unyil terlihat sangat pucat. Dokter memperkirakan hal ini dikarenakan Unyil sangat jarang terkena sinar matahari apalagi mengingat Unyil ditempatkan dalam kamar mandi.

Kini Unyil telah berada di sekolah hutan. Ia tampak begitu senang. Ia sangat suka memanjat pohon, belajar memakan pucuk daun muda bahkan sesekali tampak makan rayap bersama orangutan sekelasnya. Hal ini sangat baik mengingat pertama kali datang, Unyil bahkan tidak dapat membuka kulit pisang dan makan buah lainnya. Unyil belajar dengan cepat. Catatan sekolah hutan menunjukan bahwa ia sudah berani memanjat pohon hingga ketinggian 30 meter.

Waktu masih panjang bagi Unyil untuk kembali ke rumahnya di hutan. Setidaknya sekarang Unyil telah memiliki teman, tidak sendiri seperti 2

tahun sebelumnya di dalam kandang dingin dengan aroma toilet yang menyengat.

Bantu Unyil belajar di sekolah hutan agar kandang bukan lagi rumahnya ya, dengan mengadopsi Unyil…


It is difficult to prove that palm plantation farmers are killing orang-utans during their land clearing and planting activities. It is even harder to prove this for the ‘pest control’ (the term that companies often use when referring to the task of hunting). Of course, their employment contract does not state that they officially work to kill wildlife that eat or damage oil palms. Consequently, investigations into orang-utan killings tend to take a long time.

This is all common knowledge for palm oil workers. Most of them often see or become perpetrators. To maintain the security and the continuity of their employment, workers tend to stay away from questions about orang-utans. Fenesia is a witness to how orang-utans and other wildlife can fall victim to companies’ land clearing processes when they have land use permits in the forest. Fenesia once worked for a palm oil company in Muara Wahau. In the same district, the COP was confiscating more than 10 baby orang-utans from the hands of the public and campaigning against three companies that had clearly damaged orang-utan habitats.

Fenesia is just one of many people who ultimately decided to tell this story to the public. Namely, that palm oil companies are the largest contributors to the extinction of orang-utans in Borneo. “Many orang-utans are there and they (the companies) do not care. They only care about their land clearing targets, and the orang-utans are secondary.” Fenesia talks while carrying a baby orang-utan to forest school. Fenesia has now has decided to work with the COP to care for orang-utans. His concern grew from seeing what happened to orang-utans while he was working for the oil company.

Fenesia became the first keeper at the COP Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre. He saw so much sorrow in orang-utans’ lives. He decided to help them. Do you also choose to help orang-utans? Save or delete, you decide!



Sulit untuk membuktikan bahwa pembunuhan orangutan oleh pihak perkebunan sawit dalam kegiataan landclearing maupun tanam baru mereka. Terlebih lagi para pembasmi hama (bahasa yang sering digunakan perusahaan untuk pekerjaan berburu). Memang tidak terikat kontrak kerja yang menyatakan ia secara resmi bekerja untuk membunuh satwa yang memakan atau merusak tanaman sawit tersebut. Karenabeberapa kejadian yang terungkap biasanya memerlukan waktu yang panjang dalam investigasi.

Sebenarnya ini merupakan rahasia umum dalam dunia pekerja kelapa sawit. Kebanyakan dari mereka sering melihat atau menjadi pelaku itu sendiri. Tentu saja untuk menjaga keamanan serta kelangsungan pekerjaanya di perusahaan tersebut, para pekerja cenderung menjauh dari pertanyaan seputar orangutan. Fenesia, merupakan saksi bagaimana proses landclearing oleh perusahaan sawit sering mengorbankan orangutan dan satwa lainnya di hutan tempat perusahaan tersebut mendapatkan Hak Guna Usaha. Fenesia dahulunya merupakan pekerja di sebuah perusahaan kelapa sawit di kecamatan Muara Wahau. Merupakan kecamatan yang sama, saat COP melakukan penyitaan lebih dari 10 bayi orangutan dari tangan masyarakat serta mengkampanyekan 3 perusahaan yang terbukti secara jelas merusak habitat orangutan.

Fenesia hanya satu dari sekian banyak orang yang pada akhinya memutuskan untuk menceritakan hal ini kepada khalayak ramai. Bahwa perusahan sawit memberikan sumbangan terbesar dalam punahnya orangutan di Kalimantan. “Di sana sangat banyak orangutan dan mereka (perusahaan), tidak peduli. Mereka punya target landclearing hanya itu yang mereka perdulikan, orangutan itu urusan belakangan.”, Fenesia bercerita sambil menggendong bayi orangutan berangkat sekolah hutan. Kini Fenesia telah memutuskan untuk berkerja di COP untuk merawat orangutan. Kepeduliannya tersebut beranjak dari rasa iba melihat nasib orangutan sewaktu ia masih berkerja di perusahaan sawit.

Fenesia menjadi keeper pertama di Pusat Rehabilitasi Orangutan COP. Dia melihat begitu banyak duka di dalam kehidupan orangutan. Dia memutuskan untuk membantu orangutan. Apakah anda juga memilih untuk membantu orangutan? Save or delete, you decide!



Kanisius Jahenam was born in the village of Golo Ketak, in the sub-district of Terang, Manggarai. This man, known simply as Kanis, settled in East Kalimantan in 2001. He moved to Kalimantan with the purpose of working for a timber company, since Timber Utilisation Permits were still widely available at the time. More than 100 of these permits were still in operation by the end of 2005.

Kanisius now lives in the village of Merasa, only 16 kilometres from COP’s Center for Orangutan Rehabilitation. Previously, Kasinius worked as a prayer leader in various small Catholic worship stations throughout a number of regional villages in Kalimantan. These experiences led to his being appointed as prayer leader in Merasa’s Santo Petrus church. Every Sunday, he can be found leading worship in the small church just downstream from the village center. His perseverance as a leader has led to various developments in the church, which is now never empty of people coming to pray.

Aside from his devotion to prayer, Kasinius is also known for his love of animals. As a result, in April 2015, he was called to assist COP in their mission to save orangutans. His desire to interact directly with the animals led to his appointment as an orangutan keeper.

“Mankind and animals have the same opportunities in life, and God loves animals with the same strength that He loves humans.”

Such is the philosophy that Kasinius implements in his everyday life. When working with orangutans, Kasinius is famous for being loving and caring. At times, he has even been known to climb trees while holding baby orangutans, to teach them a love for climbing, when their parents have been injured or captured and are unable to do so.

As he says, “If we show love for animals, in turn they will love us as they do their own family.”.

Baby orangutan Michelle is further evidence of this idea. Kasinius has an especially close relationship with Michelle, which has been likened to that of a mother and child. Michelle only follows instructions from Kasinius in jungle lessons, and whenever she becomes sad she immediately seeks him out.

This case shows us that saving orangutans is not only a job, but a calling of the heart. Orangutans do not understand who we are or what our backgrounds are. What they do understand however, is the care we show for them, continuing to work to save their homes and the lives of their future generations.(KAN)



Kanisius Jahenam merupakan pria kelahiran kabupaten Manggarai, kecamatan Terang, desa Golo Ketak. Pria yang sering disapa dengan nama Kanis ini merupakan perantau di Kalimantan Timur semenjak 2001. Tujuan utama pada saat itu adalah berkerja di perusahan kayu, hal ini dikarenakan memang pada saat itu Ijin Pemanfaatan Kayu di Kalimantan masih sangat banyak. Tercatat setidaknya ada lebih dari 100 ijin penggunaan kayu yang beroperasi hingga pada akhir 2005.

Kanisius kini menetap di desa Merasa, desa yang hanya berjarak 16 km dari Pusat Rehabilitasi Orangutan COP. Sebuah kebetulan Kanisius yang dulunya pernah mengikuti pelatihan memimpin ibadah umat di stasi-stasi kecil Katolik di desa-desa terpencil kini menjadikan dia terpanggil sebagai pemimpin umat gereja Katolik di stasi Santo Petrus desa Merasa. Setiap hari minggu kita dapat menjumpai Kanisius memimpin ibadah di gereja kecil di desa Merasa  bagian hilir. Ketekunannya memimpin umat Katolik ternyata membawa banyak perubahan, kini gereja Katolik Merasa tidak pernah sepi pen-doa.

Di sela kesibukannya sebagai pendoa, Kanisus pun dikenal sebagai penyayang binatang. Sehingga pada April 2015, Ia terpanggil untuk membantu COP dalam misi menyelamatkan Orangutan. Keinginannya untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan orangutan menjadikannya ia terpanggil untuk menjadi perawat orangutan atau sering disebut keeper.

“Manusia dan hewan mempunyai kesempatan yang sama untuk hidup, dan Tuhan mencintai mereka sama besarnya dengan Dia mencintai manusia.”, begitulah pemahaman Kanisius dalam menjalankan kehidupan sehari-hari. Selama menjaga orangutan, Kanisius memang terkenal sebagai penyayang dan penyabar, terkadang ia rela memanjat pohon dan menggendong bayi orangutan hanya agar bayi-bayi orangutan ini mau memanjat. Tentu saja seperti yang pernah ia katakan, “Jika kita mencintai binatang, mereka juga akan mencintai kita layaknya keluarga mereka.” Maka hal ini terbukti pada bayi orangutan bernama Michelle. Ia memiliki kedekatan khusus dengan Kanisius. Layaknya kedekatan ibu dan anak. Michelle hanya mau menuruti perintah Kanisius di setiap sekolah hutan, bahkan ketika Michelle menangis maka ia akan segera berlari dan mendekati Kanisius.

Hal ini mengajarkan kita bahwa menyelamatkan kehidupan orangutan bukan saja hanya sebuah pekerjaan tetapi pilihan hati. Orangutan tidak pernah mengerti siapa kita dan apa latar belakang kehidupan kita. Yang mereka tahu hanyalah kepedulian kita untuk terus menyelamatkan generasi nya dan hutan sebagai rumahnya.(KAN)