The Langsa District Attorney has finally announced that its investigations into a protected animal smuggling case in Aceh (known as P21) are complete. This comes after the arrest of Ramadhani, a suspected animal smuggler. Ramadhani was caught on 1 August 2015 by the Aceh branch of the Office for Natural Resource Conservation (BKSDA), on PDAM Tirta Pondok Kemuning Road, in Pondok Kemuning village, which is located in the Old Langsa district in the city of Langsa, East Aceh. As part of the operation, the BKSDA team seized 3 (three) orangutan, 2 (two) bald eagles, 1 (one) king pheasant, and 1 (one) clouded leopard. Each of these animals are classified as protected species. Ramadhani’s arrest, along with the recovery of three baby orangutan, makes this the largest smuggling operation to be uncovered in Aceh to date.
Genman Hasibuan, the head of BKSDA Aceh, gave the following statement:
“BKSDA Aceh will continue to monitor this case, and is committed to ensuring that the accused suspect is met with the full force of the law, in line with Regulation Number 5/1990 concerning the conservation of natural resources and ecosystems, which stipulates a 5 year prison sentence and fine of 100 million rupiah.”
In addition, Panut Hadisiswoyo, a Director at the Orangutan Information Centre (OIC), offered the following statement:
“OIC will continue to observe this case and do all within its reach so that the suspect receives the maximum punishment. Upholding the rule of law is key to enabling the success of orangutan conservation and biodiversity programs throughout Indonesia. BKSDA must be supported in their efforts to carry out the legal process properly. Because of this, we call upon the Langsa District Attorney to carry out their task with fairness and transparency. Doing so would see the judicial process become an important reference to guide future legal cases brought against animal smugglers. Charged suspects must be handed the maximum punishment as a way of further discouraging animal smuggling throughout the community.”
Daniek Hendarto, the Anti-Kejahatan Satwa Liar Manager at the Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP), also gave the following statement:
“This is the biggest case ever recorded in Aceh, and it bears the potential to be repeated, given that until now, the sentences to befall convicted smuggling suspects in previous cases have been so light. COP uses social networking to monitor the networks of known offenders, and we can conclude that smugglers are not afraid of being prosecuted, as the benefits of their smuggling activities significantly outweigh the associated risks. The key to bringing about change lies with the Langsa District Attorney. If its judges can show courage and dispense the maximum sentence, this will be a significant breakthrough, all while operating within the law.”
For further information or to access the full interviews, please contact:
Genman Hasibuan- Head of BKSDA Aceh.
Phone : 081286319877
Panut Hadisiswoyo- Director, Orangutan Information Centre.
Phone : 081376879114
Daniek Hendarto- Manager, Anti Kejahatan Satwa Liar, COP.
Phone : 081328837434
Kejaksaan Negeri Langsa akhirnya menyatakan lengkap (P21) atas berkas penyidikan perkara tersangka penjual pedagang satwa dilindungi dengan tersangka Ramadhani. Ramadhani ditangkap tangan oleh Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Aceh di Jalan PDAM Tirta Pondok Kemuning, Desa Pondok Kemuning, Kecamatan Langsa Lama, Kota Langsa, Aceh Timur pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2015. Dalam operasi tersebut, tim BKSDA menyita 3 (tiga) orangutan, 2 (dua) elang bondol, 1 (satu) burung kuau raja dan 1 (satu) awetan macan dahan. Kesemua satwa tersebut merupakan satwa dilindungi. Penangkapan ini merupakan yang terbesar pertama di Aceh dimana pedagang berhasil ditangkap bersama dengan tiga bayi orangutan sekaligus.
Genman Hasibuan, Kepala BKSDA Aceh memberikan pernyataan sebagai berikut:
“BKSDA Aceh akan terus mengawal dan berkomitmen untuk memastikan tersangka mendapatkan hukuman sesuai dengan Undang – Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 mengenai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya yakni penjara 5 tahun dan denda 100 juta rupiah.”
Panut Hadisiswoyo, Direktur Yayasan Orangutan Sumatera Lestari-Orangutan Information Centre (YOSL-OIC) memberikan pernyataan sebagai berikut:
“OIC akan terus mengawal kasus ini dan mengerahkan segenap potensinya agar si tersangka bisa mendapatkan hukuman maksimal. Penegakan hukum merupakan salah satu kata kunci untuk mendukung keberhasilan program upaya konservasi orangutan dan keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia. Proses hukum yang sudah dijalankan pihak BKSDA Aceh harus didukung dan kami meminta pihak Kejaksaan Negeri Langsa dapat menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya secara adil dan transparan sehingga proses peradilan nantinya dapat menjadi acuan penting bagi upaya penegakan hukum terhadap pelaku tindak pidana perdagangan satwa dilindungi. Hukuman maksimal harus diberikan kepada tersangka agar ada efek jera di masyarakat.”
Daniek Hendarto, Manager Anti Kejahatan Satwa Liar dari Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP) memberikan pernyataan sebagai berikut:
“Ini adalah kasus terbesar yang pernah ada di Aceh dan berpotensi terulang kembali karena hukuman yang dijatuhkan selama ini pada kasus-kasus kejahatan terhadap satwa liar sangatlah ringan. COP memantau jaringan si pelaku di jejaring sosial dan kami berkesimpulan bahwa mereka tidak takut menghadap jerat hukum karena keuntungan sangat besar jika dibandingkan resikonya. Kuncinya ada di Kejaksaan Negeri Langsa. Jika mereka berani membuat terobosan dengan sebuah tuntutan maksimal, maka hakim akan menjatuhkan hukuman yang tidak terpaut jauh.”
Informasi dan wawancara lanjutan harap berkomunikasi dengan:
Genman Hasibuan, Kepala BKSDA Aceh.
Phone : 081286319877
Panut Hadisiswoyo, Direktur Orangutan Information Centre.
Phone : 081376879114
Daniek Hendarto, Manajer Anti Kejahatan Satwa Liar COP.
Phone : 081328837434