Why do criminals receive light sentences?  Because prosecutors demand light sentences. Since the 5th Laws in 1990 were enforced, not one person who has committed crimes against wild life has received more than a 2 year jail term. In general, they only serve 8 months in jail, however there are those that receive only 3 months probation. This means that the criminal is never actually incarcerated, but merely monitored for 3 months. If they are found to sell again in that 3 month period, then officials can put them into jail. This is the reason why crimes against wildlife continue to occur in Indonesia. Those who have been incarcerated, return to sell again and even to challenge BKSDA through social networking

Because of this experience, the COP started to focus on the Attorney General.  On the 7th of September 2015 the COP delivered a formal letter to the Attorney Generals office.  The COP requested that the Attorney General oversee legal proceedings in the case of the trading of 3 infant orangutans in Aceh. This was aimed to demand the maximum penalty so that the heaviest sentence would be given and the work of the police and BKSDA would not be in vain. So that the community support would not be in vain. So that the criminal would truly be punished and wildlife would no longer be threatened.

Come on prosecutors, play your part in the conservation of wildlife in Indonesia.



Mengapa penjahat dihukum ringan? Karena Jaksa menuntutnya ringan. Sejak Undang – Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 diberlakukan, tidak ada satupun pelaku kejahatan terhadap satwa liar dihukum penjara lebih dari 2 tahun. Umumnya hanya diganjar 8 bulan penjara, bahkan ada yang dihukum 3 bulan masa percobaan. Artinya, si penjahat tidak pernah benar – benar dipenjara. Dia hanya diawasi selama 3 bulan. Kalau dia ketahuan jualan lagi dalam 3 bulan tersebut, maka petugas bisa langsung menjebloskannya. Inilah sebabnya kenapa kejahatan terhadap satwa liar semakin menjadi – jadi di Indonesia. Yang sudah pernah dihukum penjara, langsung jualan lagi dan bahkan menantang BKSDA di jejaring sosial.

Berangkat dari pengalaman tersebut, COP mulai memfokuskan diri ke Kejaksaan. Pada tanggal 7 September 2015 COP melayangkan surat resmi ke Kejaksaan Agung. COP meminta agar Kejaksaan Agung mengawasi proses hukum kasus perdagangan 3 bayi orangutan di Aceh. Ini bertujuan agar tuntutan hukum bisa maksimal. Agar hukuman yang dijatuhkan bisa seberat – beratnya. Agar kerja polisi dan BKSDA tidak sia – sia. Agar dukungan masyarakat tidak sia – sia. Agar para penjahat benar – benar kapok, sehingga satwa liar tidak lagi terancam.

Ayo para Jaksa, mainkan peran anda dalam konservasi satwa liar Indonesia.



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