Still Remember May? Orangutan who recently saved by COP, found by local people were being tortured by palm oil workers. May perhaps considered disturbing the laborers while planting oil palm. And Jo, the trauma baby orangutan whom her mother has been killed by palm oil worker during landclearing activity and now she became an orphanage.
Read More›Ministry of Forestry team (Kemenhut) has completed the verification report on eviction of orangutan habitat in the concession area of PT. BSS in Berau. Verification itself witnessed by APE Defender team from COP as the reporter and PT. BSS as the owner of the concession area. The results showed that orangutan habitat is cleared for palm oil plantations. The coordinates reported by COP was located in the concession area of PT. BSS and photo and video documentation is also very convincing. unfortunately, the landscape has completely changed. The landscape has been planted with palm oil. Before, PT. BSS clarified that their company has been formed task force for orangutan. During observation for the last 4 months they have not found any sign existences of orangutan.
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