Alouise took part in a forest school class several times. But repeatedly, his behavior made other orangutans avoid him. Such as not wanting to let Annie out of his arms, pulling bigger orangutans until finally no orangutans would want to get close to him. What makes it more difficult is this exclusion made Alouise choose to play alone and stay alone at the forest school location.

His small body and very high climbing ability really made it difficult for animal keepers at the COP Borneo forest school. Alouise seemed to disappear in the thick of the forest school. “If he doesn’t move, we don’t know of his whereabouts,” Jevri said.

After weeks full of drama Alouise did not have friends and stayed at the jungle school finally Alouise could make us breathe a sigh of relief. “We tried to introduce Alouise to Septi, a female orangutan who had been a sister to Popi. Small orangutans do need a protective figure. As the body and age get stronger, he will be more independent later.”, said Reza Kurniawan, the primatologist of orangutans.

Septi accepts and looks after Alouise. “This has been going on for almost 2 weeks, I just saw it once, Alouise played alone, and even then it didn’t last long. When I approached Alouise, he immediately went to Septi, “Jevri said again.

Like mother and baby orangutan, in the wild, children will not play away from their mothers. When there is danger approaching, the orangutan will run to his mother. Like a human child too, who always looks for his mother when she starts feeling alone. Alouise took refuge in Septi. (EBO)


Beberapa kali Alouise mengikuti kelas sekolah hutan. Tapi berulang kali, tingkahnya membuat orangutan lainnya menghindar darinya. Mulai dari tak mau melepas Annie dari pelukannya, menarik orangutan yang lebih besar darinya hingga akhirnya tak satupun orangutan mau berdekatan dengannya. Lebih menyulitkan lagi pengucilan ini membuat Alouise memilih bermain sendiri dan menginap sendiri di lokasi sekolah hutan.

Tubuh nya yang kecil dan kemampuan memanjatnya yang sangat tinggi benar-benar menyulitkan para animal keeper di sekolah hutan COP Borneo. Alouise seperti menghilang di lebatnya sekolah hutan. “Jika dia tidak bergerak, ya kita tidak mengetahui keberadaannya.”, ujar Jevri.

Setelah minggu-minggu penuh drama Alouise tidak punya teman dan menginap di sekolah hutan akhirnya Alouise bisa membuat kami bernafas lega. “Kami mencoba mengenalkan Alouise pada Septi, orangutan betina yang pernah menjadi kakak untuk Popi. Orangutan kecil memang membutuhkan sosok pelindung. Seiring usia dan tubuhnya yang semakin kuat, dia akan lebih mandiri nantinya.”, ujar Reza Kurniawan, primatologis orangutan.

Septi pun menerima dan terlihat menjaga Alouise. “Ini sudah berlangsung hampir 2 minggu, saya baru melihat sekali, Alouise bermain sendiri, itupun tidak berlangsung lama. Ketika saya mendekati Alouise, dia langsung beranjak ke badan Septi.”, ujar Jevri lagi. 

Seperti induk dan anak orangutan yang di alam liar, anak tidak akan bermain jauh-jauh dari ibunya. Ketika ada bahaya mendekat, anak orangutan akan berlari ke ibunya. Seperti anak manusia juga, yang selalu mencari ibunya saat mulai merasa sendirian. Alouise berlindung pada Septi. (WET)



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