Leci break the twigs and make noise when he find out there is a technician (people in charge of caring orangutan on the island of COP Borneo) who come to bring the food. That is the way little Leci shows his territory.

On the pre-release island, Leci is the smallest orangutan among the others. But, in terms of ability and intelligence, Leci dares to be aligned with Novi the orangutan who is much bigger than him.

It has been a week since Leci moved to the pre-release island, after five months stayed in quarantine cage. He does not lose his natural instincts such as foraging and making nest. “In the past, Leci often slept on other orangutan nest, but now Leci has dared to sleep on his own nest and the nest is usually still close to other orangutan nests.”, said Idham, monitoring post technician of COP Borneo orangutan island. (SAR)

Leci mematah-matahkan ranting dan mengeluarkan suara saat mengetahui ada teknisi (orang yang bertugas merawat orangutan di pulau orangutan COP Borneo) yang datang membawa buah. Itu adalah cara Leci kecil menunjukkan wilayah teritorialnya.

Di pulau pra-rilis, Leci memang orangutan yang paling kecil diantara yang lainnya. Tetapi dari segi kemampuan dan kepintaran, Leci berani disejajarkan dengan orangutan Novi yang jauh lebih besar darinya.

Sudah seminggu Leci di pulau pra-rilis, setelah lima bulan di kandang karantina. Dia tidak kehilangan naluri alaminya seperti mencari makan dan juga membuat sarang untuk istirahat. “Kalau dulu Leci sering menumpang tidur di sarang orangutan yang lain, kini Leci sudah berani tidur sendiri di sarangnya dan biasanya sarangnya masih dekat dengan sarang orangutan lainnya.”, ujar Idham, teknisi pos pantau pulau orangutan COP Borneo. (WET)



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