Ceria Kindergarten Yogyakarta invited COP to share knowledge about wildlife. Sharing with 2-4 years children is really challenging. We must have a specific strategy to be able to get their attention. We began our presentation by showing wildlife photos as an introduction to these next generation of conservation world. It was then continued with a hand puppet story telling performed by Orangufriends Yogyakarta. Through the story, the children were increasingly interested .
Let’s join COP School batch #6, in wich you can learn about practical communication. Through the school visit, we practice. Practice makes perfect!
Contact hery@cop.or.id to join #COPSchool in Yogyakarta on May 18-22, 2016.
TK Ceria Yogyakarta mengundang COP untuk mengisi materi satwa liar. Ternyata berbicara dengan anak usia 2 – 4 tahun itu punya tantangan tersendiri. Harus punya strategi tertentu untuk bisa merebut perhatian mereka. Slide foto pengenalan satwa mencoba mencuri perhatian generasi penerus dunia konservasi ini. Dilanjutkan aksi boneka tangan orangufriends Yogyakarta. Melalui dongeng, anak-anak semakin tertarik.
Yuk ikutan COP School batch #6 , kapan dan dimana lagi kamu bisa berlatih komunikasi praktis. Lewat school visit, kita berlatih. Ala bisa karena biasa.
Kirimkan email ke hery@cop.or.id untuk mengikuti #COPSchool di Yogyakarta pada 18-22 Mei 2016.
#proudofOrangufriends #orangufriendevents #schoolvisit