A cold day sometimes makes us hungry. The rain that fell all day on the pre-release island seemed to affect Michelle’s appetite. It’s been more than a month Michelle has survived on this island alone. Human intervention is only in the morning and evening when feeding twice a day. Not as usual, she appears at the feeding place more than one hour later. After eating, she returned to the center of the island, where she usually rested.

Unlike the previous days which were quite hot, today Michelle was very often seen appearing on feeding places to take food. Every time she heard a sharp sound from the patrol team, she would appear peeking out from behind the tree, then then towards the tower looking for more food.

When it’s cold like this, it’s good to fill your stomach to keep warm. They’re just like us! (EBO)


Hari yang dingin kadang membuat kita lapar. Hujan yang turun seharian di pulau pra-pelepasliaran sepertinya mempengaruhi nafsu makan Michelle. Sudah sebulan lebih Michelle bertahan di pulau ini sendirian. Campur tangan manusia hanya saat pagi dan sore hari ketika memberi makan dua kali sehari. Tidak seperti biasanya, dia muncul di tempat feeding lebih lambat satu jam. Setelah makan, dia kembali lagi ke tengah pulau, tempat biasanya dia berisitarahat.

Berbeda dengan hari-hari sebelumnya yang cukup panas, hari ini dia sangat sering terlihat muncul di tempat feeding untuk mengambil makanan. Setiap mendengar suara ketinting dari tim patroli, dia akan muncul mengintip dari balik pohon, lalu kemudian menuju menara mencari makanan lagi. 

Dingin-dingin begini enaknya mengisi perut agar tetap hangat ya. Ternyata seperti kita juga ya! (FLO)




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