A month has passed since the COP School Batch 9. Campus activities are busy, but it does not mean neglecting assignments, visits to schools. Alfikri, Aulia, Elsa, Wulan and Wildan together with DigiYouth #BhayPlastik and Gajahwong School shared their knowledge to SMAN 1 Banguntapan, Ngentak, Bantul, Yogyakarta. “Oops … back to school? Yes, but not in hisghscool uniform anymore. In the past I was in high school uniform but this time I came to share about orangutans.”, Alfikri said.

There were 53 students who had gathered in the school hall. Ms. Nurul Supriyanti who represented the Head of SMAN 1 Banguntapan appreciated this ‘school visit’ activity because it can enrich students’ knowledge. Wulan (COP School Batch 9) continued the session with information on animal welfare that can be assessed from animal stereotypic behavior. Furthermore, to avoid these behavioral aberrations, animals must be given enrichment.

Students were also invited to play the Kahoot! Game. There were nine questions about the material presented earlier. Who are the orangutans, what are the threats, and the results 68.06% of the questions are answered correctly. “Not bad …a two hour-session mixed with plastic hazard information, the insistent information can be digested by the students of SMAN 1 Banguntapan.”, Said Wulan relieved, after the school visit was over.

For those who want to be visited by the COP, please contact or leave a message on COP’s social media directly. (EBO)


Sebulan sudah COP School Batch 9 berlalu. Aktivitas kampus juga padat-padatnya. Tapi tak berarti abai pada tugas, kunjungan ke sekolah-sekolah. Alfikri, Aulia, Elsa, Wulan dan Wildan bersama DigiYouth #BhayPlastik dan Sekolah Gajahwong berbagi pengetahuan ke SMAN 1 Banguntapan, Ngentak, Bantul, Yogyakarta. “Ups… balik lagi ke sekolah? Iya, tapi tidak dengan seragam sekolah lagi. Kalau dulu aku yang berseragam SMA kali ini aku datang untuk berbagi tentang orangutan.”, ujar Alfikri.

Ada 53 murid yang sudah berkumpul di aula sekolah. Ibu Nurul Supriyanti yang mewakili Kepala SMAN 1 Banguntapan mengapresiasi kegiatan ’school visit’ ini karena dapat menambah pengetahuan. Wulan (COP School Batch 9) melanjutkan informasi tentang kesejahteraan satwa yang bisa dinilai dari stereotypic behavior satwa. Selanjutnya untuk menghindari penyimpangan prilaku tersebut, satwa harus diberi ‘enrichment’.

Tak lupa, murid-murid diajak bermain game Kahoot!. Ada sembilan pertanyaan tentang materi yang disampaikan tadi. Siapakah orangutan, apa saja ancamannya dan hasilnya 68,06% pertanyaan dijawab dengan benar. “Not bad lah… dua jam penuh bercampur dengan informasi bahaya plastik, informasi yang bertubi-tubi tersebut bisa dicerna adik-adik SMAN 1 Banguntapan.”, kata Wulan lega, setelah school visit usai.

Untuk yang sekolahnya mau dikunjungi COP langsung hubungi atau bisa langsung tinggalkan pesan di media sosial COP.



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