Trans Borneo Challenge #1 trip on October 13 was accompanied by an endless rain. Throughout their long trip, the team realized how huge the palm oil plantations in East Kalimantan is. The switch of team members cannot be avoided. Septian, who is a COP School Batch 6 alumni, must be replaced by Reza Kurniawan from COP School Batch 5.
An illegal orangutan ownership case is still found. Unyil, a baby orangutan from Meratak Village, East Kalimantan, looked thin. Unyil was sitting in an empty cage. “This is a dilemma. A local person, Mr. Jating, cannot let Unyil starving and fright alone in the middle of his field. When he found Unyil, he brought Unyil to have cared at his house” said Ibnu Anshari, an alumnus of COP School Batch 1 who was the Team Leader of the Trans Borneo Challenge #1 trail.
Finally, after 9 days of traveling from East Java, the team arrived at the COP Borneo orangutan rehabilitation center, Berau, East Kalimantan. What a challenging and interesting journey. The team witnessed the condition of our mother earth. They listen and see the loss of orangutan habitat in East Kalimantan, that are destroyed by the enormous palm oil business. (IND)
Perjalanan Trans Borneo Challenge #1 pada 13 Oktober ditemani hujan tanpa henti. Sepanjang perjalanan tanpa putus perkebunan kelapa sawit membawa kami pada luasnya perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Timur ini. Pergantian personal pun tak bisa dihindari. Septian yang merupakan alumni COP School Batch 6 harus digantikan Reza Kurniawan dari COP School Batch 5.
Kepemilikan ilegal orangutan pun masih dijumpai. Orangutan Unyil dari kampung Meratak, Kalimantan Timur terlihat kurus. Unyil pun masih terduduk di kandang kosong. “Ini adalah dilema, masyarakat tak tega membiarkan Unyil sendirian di tengah ladangnya saat ditemukan pertama kali. Unyil pun dibawa untuk dipelihara. Kasihan kata pak Jating.”, ujar Ibnu Anshari, alumni COP School Batch 1 yang merupakan ketua Tim trail Trans Borneo Challenge #1.
Akhirnya, setelah 9 hari melakukan perjalanan dari Jawa Timur, tim berhasil tiba di pusat rehabilitasi orangutan COP Borneo, Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Sebuah perjalanan yang menantang dan menarik. Tim menjadi saksi kondisi ibu bumi. Mendengarkan dan melihat langsung semakin hilangnya habitat orangutan di Kalimantan Timur.