About 110 students from 7th and 8th grader at YPVDP Bontang Junior High School (Vidya Dahana Patra Education Foundation or better known as Vidatra Junior High) on Jalan Raya Badak PT. Badak LNG, gathered when our Trans Borneo Trail team visited their school on October 11, 2018.
It seems like the additional point promised by the school to their students makes the school visit very excited. Orangutans that are endemic to Borneo Island make students more focused and curious about why they are endangered. The Eyes of Earth team, who has been exploring East Kalimantan, describes the condition of the habitat of orangutans that are increasingly diminishing.
“Raising awareness at an early age is very important to understand various species of animals protected by the state. The problem faced by these animals must also be known so that the next generation can play an active role in maintaining its sustainability,” said Mr. Agung, The School Principal.
The Environmental Education Program, which is run at every school starting from elementary school, junior high school, and high school through the Adiwiyata Program, is expected to encourage students’ awareness about environment and conservation. (IND)
Sekitar 110 siswa kelas VII dan VIII SMP YPVDP Bontang (Yayasan Pendidikan Vidya Dahana Patra atau lebih dikenal dengan SMP Vidatra yang berada di Jalan Raya Badak, Komplek PT. Badak LNG berkumpul saat tim Trail Trans Borneo mengunjungi sekolah ini.
Sepertinya nilai tambahan yang dijanjikan pihak sekolah ke siswanya menjadikan school visit kali sangat bersemangat. Orangutan yang menjadi satwa endemik di Kalimantan membuat siswa lebih fokus dan penasaran kenapa berstatus terancam punah. Dengan epik nya tim Eyes of Earth yang sudah menelusuri Kalimantan Timur memaparkan kondisi habitat orangutan yang semakin berkurang.
“Pemahaman usia dini tentang penyadartahuan memang sangat penting untuk memahami satwa-satwa yang dilindungi oleh negara. Persoalan yang dihadapi satwa tersebut juga harus diketahui agar generasi berikutnya dapat berperan aktif menjaga kelestariannya.”, ujar bapak Agung, Wakil Kepala Sekolah.
Program Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup yang dijalankan setiap sekolah mulai jenjang SD, SMP sampai SMA melalui program Adiwiyata diharapkan dan memupuk kepedulian siswa pada dunia konservasi lingkungan. (PETz)