A mother with her third-grade elementary school child is putting in pieces of wood. There is a small cat who follows her into her yard. “Can we feed the cat, Ma’am?” said Ami while squatting and stroking the little cat. “Oh… you guys from cat lovers, right? Yes, you can. I haven’t feed him since I left him. I brought food from the evacuation camp but he didn’t want it.”
The little cat hid behind the mother. “Just put the food in the place to eat. That… there. ” Ami also started the conversation, asking how the mother was. Her family survived, but the furniture in her house was broken. They left the house and followed the other residents to the evacuation camp. The devastating earthquake at September 28 was very traumatic to them. At that time, she only had limited time to run away, so she only took her children and left the cat at the house.
When she arrived at the evacuation camp, she realized her beloved cat was left behind. Three days in evacuation made her even more uneasy. Finally, she came home and found her cat still on the porch of the house. She plans to bring her cat to the camp.
In the midst of the trauma of the refugees, not only this mother who returned to her home because worrying of her beloved cat. Your help through https://kitabisa.com/bantusatwapalu will keep being distributed until the situation gets better. (IND)
Seorang ibu dengan anaknya yang kelas 3 SD sedang memasukkan potongan kayu. Ada kucing kecil yang mengikutinya bolak-balik masuk ke pekarangannya. “Boleh kasih makan kucing ya Bu…”, sapa Ami sambil jongkong dan mengelus kucing kecil. “O… kalian dari pecinta kucing ya? Kasih saja, sejak ku tinggal belum makan dia. Tadi kubawakan makanan dari posko, ngak mau dia.”.
Kucing kecil itu pun bersembunyi di balik si ibu. “Taruh saja di tempat makannya. Itu… di situ.”. Ami pun memulai perbincangan, dengan menanyakan kabar si Ibu. Mereka sekeluarga selamat, namun perabotan di rumahnya pecah semuanya. Mereka meninggalkan rumah dan mengikuti warga lain untuk ke posko. Gempa maha dahsyat 28 September itu pun menjadi trauma tersendiri. Saat itu tak terpikir olehnya untuk membawa apapun, kecuali anak-anaknya dan keluarga kecilnya.
Sesampai di Posko Pengungsian, baru dia tersadar, kucing kesayangan anaknya tertinggal. Tiga hari di pengungsian membuatnya semakin tidak tenang. Akhirnya dia pulang dan menemukan kucingnya masih di teras rumah. Dia pun berencana membawa kucingnya ke tempat pengungsian.
Di tengah trauma para pengungsi, tak cuman ibu dengan tiga anak ini yang kembali ke rumahnya karena terpikir nasib kucing kesayangan anaknya. Bantuan kamu lewat https://kitabisa.com/bantusatwapalu akan terus kami distribusikan hingga keadaan semakin membaik.