PROBOLINGGO – June 15, 2016 29 Pilot Whale were stranded in Pesisir
Village, Gending, Probolinggo, East Java. BPSPL Denpasar, Satker Surabaya,
Section 3 Jember BKSDA East Java, DKP Probolinggo, Koramil Gending, PosAI
Paiton, Veterinary Faculty of Unair and Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN)
together with COP represented by Orangufriends Malang and Animals
Indonesia strive to save those stranded whale. The group of the whales
was stranded possibly because one of them got a problem. Once a whale got
a problem, then the other whales usually help and get themselves
stranded. Pilot Whales have a strong relation among their group members
and will help each other, even though it needs to sacrifice their own
We tried to get there as soon as possible and hoped that the stranded
whale could be released back to the ocean, hoped Algriawan Bayu in his
way to Probolinggo. Orangufriends Malang together with Animals Indonesia
keep monitoring the beach to check some locations in which some whales are
possibly stuck and to help the medical team to perform necropsy and
autopsy on the corpses of whale discovered.
From 29 stranded whales, 9 were found dead along the beach in Pesisir
Village and one was found dead at Bentar Beach, Probolinggo. (WET)
PROBOLINGGO – 15 Juni 2016, dua puluh sembilan Paus Pilot terdampar di desa Pesisir, kecamatan Gending, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. BPSPL Denpasar, Satker Surabaya, Bidang 3 Jember BKSDA Jawa Timur, DKP Probolinggo, Koramil Gending, PosAI Paiton, FKH Unair, Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP) lewat Orangufriends dan Animals Indonesia bersama-sama menyelamatkan paus pilot terdampar ini. “Terdamparnya kawanan paus pilot ini kemungkinan disebabkan satu paus mengalamin masalah. Saat satu mengalami masalah, biasanya paus lainnya berusaha untuk membantu dan ikut terdampar. Paus pilot memang memiliki hubungan kekeluargaan yang sangat kuat dan saling menolong, sekalipun mengorbankan keselamatannya sendiri.”, ujar Benvika dari JAAN.
“Berusaha secepatnya tiba di lokasi berpacu dengan waktu dan berharap tadi malam paus-paus yang terdampar berhasil kembali ke lautan.”, harapan Algriawan Bayu dalam perjalanannya. Orangufriends Malang Malang bersama Animals Indonesia menyusuri pantai untuk memeriksa lokasi yang mungkin saja masih ada paus yang terjebak dan membantu tim medis melakukan nekropsi (autopsi) pada mayat paus yang ditemukan.
Dari 29 paus yang terdampar, sembilan ditemukan mati di pantai desa Pesisir dan satu ditemukan mati di pantai Bentar, Probolinggo. (WET)



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