COP veterinarian, Ade Fitria and her team conducted a thorough and detailed examination to the body of orangutan that was seriously injured because of physical abuse . Based on COP’s experience in evacuating orangutans captured by the workers of palm oil plantations since 2007 , almost 100 % of them suffered from injuries on their head and hands. The orangutan seems to have been beaten on the head and all over his body. Its hands and feet are swollen because of being tied. Its teeth fell out and its left eye is blind . That’s why we built a team that is able to react quickly in responding the incoming reports . We call this team APE CRUSADER . Thanks to Orangutan Outreach, which has funded the team’s operational costs.
Dokter hewan COP Ade Fitria dan timnya melakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh dan rinci pada tubuh orangutan yang terluka parah karena siksaan fisik. Berdasarkan pengalaman COP mengevakuasi ORANGUTAN yang tertangkap para pekerja sawit sejak 2007, hampir 100% mengalami luka di kepala dan tangan. ORANGUTAN ini menunjukkan tanda – tanda telah dipukuli di kepala dan sekujur tubuhnya. Tangan dan kakinya bengkak karena diikat. Giginya rontok dan mata sebelah kiri buta. Itulah sebabnya kami membentuk tim yang mampu bergerak cepat merespon laporan yang masuk. Kami menyebut tim ini APE CRUSADER. Terima kasih pada ORANGUTAN OUTREACH yang telah mendanai biaya operasional tim ini.
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