Even baby Bonti the Orangutan always with baby Owi, not that he always stuck like a glue in stamps on the envelope. Owi always had a way to get rid of his loyal followers… Bonti. The way Owi.. escaped and approached the animal keeper who was then invited him to go to the forest school. Bonti is most is most afraid of the animal keeper. Maybe Bonti traumatized with humans. “The baby’s orangutan is separated from her mother when the dog is pursuing the mother.”, Bonti’s founder said when asked by the APE Crusader team.

Over the past three months, Bonti has been practicing more often in the trees. “Climbing the tree though not too high is enough to make us happy,” said Wety Rupiana. Just look at how he tried to move from one tree to another. The movement of his feet make the animal keeper stand their ground, worrying Bonti might fell. “Too Bad, Bonti still can not make a nest. He just broke the twigs and turned it into a toy.”, added Wety.

Hopefully the weather will be more friendly, to keep the forest schools running every day. “We believe. The more they practice in the forest school, the orangutan babies will accelerate more quickly. They must have their natural instincts, “said Reza Kurniawan, manager of the COP Borneo. (dhea_orangufriends)

Walaupun bayi orangutan Bonti selalu bersama bayi orangutan Owi, bukan berarti dia selalu menempel seperti perangko menempel pada amplop. Owi selalu ada cara untuk lepas dari pengikut setianya… Bonti. Caranya… Owi melarikan diri dan mendekati animal keeper yang saat itu mengajaknya ke sekolah hutan. Bonti memang paling takut dengan animal keeper. Mungkin, Bonti trauma dengan manusia. “Bayi orangutan betina ini terpisah dari induknya saat anjing mengejar induk orangutan ini.”, ujar penemu orangutan Bonti saat ditanyai tim APE Crusader.

Selama tiga bulan terakhir, Bonti semakin sering berlatih di pohon. “Memanjat pohon walau tak terlalu tinggi sudah cukup membuat kami bahagia.”, ujar Wety Rupiana. Lihat saja bagaimana dia mencoba berpindah dari satu pohon ke pohon yang lain. Gerakan kakunya membuat para animal keeper berjaga-jaga, kawatir Bonti terjatuh. “Sayang, Bonti masih belum bisa membuat sarang. Dia hanya mematah-matahkan ranting dan dijadikan mainan.”, tambah Wety.

Semoga saja cuaca semakin bersahabat, agar sekolah hutan tetap berjalan setiap hari. “Kami berkeyakinan, semakin sering mereka berlatih di sekolah hutan, bayi-bayi orangutan akan semakin cepat menyesuaikan diri. Mereka pasti punya insting alaminya.”, kata Reza Kurniawan, manajer COP Borneo.



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