Tuesday, May 7 2019 COP had the opportunity to conduct a school visit program at the Binus Serpong school. The event was rescheduled to the next day because of the holiday fasting. The mini library hall was almost fully filled when the COP team arrived. They were teenagers from 11th grade who seemed eager to listen to information about orangutans.
The one and half hour session ran smoothly with presentation and fruitful discussion. There are many questions from students, especially what they can do. They are interested in the adoption concept which allows them to be directly involved in saving orangutans. As a follow up to the session, the students created campaign posters to save orangutan.
After the session ended, Tristan and Gideon, representatives from the Student Council came to the COP team to elaborate ideas. Currently they are organizing a fundraising activity called HOPE, where they put empty bottles at various points in the school to be filled with donations. They have chosen 4 potential recipients of donations where the plan is one of them is COP. We also talk in more detail about what students can do to help. The discourse to conduct a field visit to Borneo COP also surfaced. “The live-in program in the Dayak village and the visit of the COP rehabilitation center is very possible, but we need to finalize the concept so as not to disturb the rehabilitation program itself, also other preparations should be done. At present the most immediate benefit is the adoption and donation program. There are orangutans like Owi, Happi and Popi who are in our adoption lists.”, Ebo, Education Specialist from COP, explained. “Owi, there is HOPE from Binus Serpong!” (EBO)
Selasa, 7 Mei 2019 COP berkesempatan melakukan program school visit di sekolah Binus Serpong. Jadwal acara sendiri diundur sehari karena liburan awal puasa. Aula mini perpustakaan sudah hampir terisi penuh saat tim COP datang. Mereka adalah 200an remaja-remaja dari kelas 11 yang tampak semangat untuk mendengarkan informasi terkait orangutan.
Presentasi sendiri berlangsung sangat cair, tidak terasa satu setengah jam berlalu dengan presentasi dan tanya jawab. Ada banyak pertanyaan dari siswa terutama apa yang bisa mereka lakukan. Mereka tertarik dengan konsep adopsi yang memungkinkan mereka bisa terlibat langsung dalam penyelamatan orangutan.
Setelah sesi berakhir, Tristan dan Gideon, perwakilan dari OSIS mendatangi tim COP untuk bertukar pikiran. Mereka sendiri sedang mengorganisasi kegiatan yang dinamai HOPE, dimana mereka meletakkan botol-botol kosong di berbagai titik di sekolah untuk diisi donasi. Mereka telah memilih 4 calon penerima donasi di mana rencananya salah satunya adalah COP. Kita juga berbicara lebih mendetail kira-kira apa yang bisa siswa lakukan untuk membantu. Wacana untuk melakukan kunjungan lapangan ke COP Borneo juga mencuat. “Program live in di perkampungan Dayak dan kunjungan pusat rehabiltasi COP itu sangat dimungkinkan, namun kami perlu mematangkan konsepnya supaya tidak mengganggu program rehabilitasi itu sendiri serta persiapan-persiapan lainnya. Saat ini yang paling langsung terasa manfaatnya adalah progam adopsi dan donasi. Ada orangutan Owi yang sedang mencari orangtua asuh, juga Happi dan Popi.” Terang Ebo, Education Specialist dari COP. “Owi, ada harapan (hope) dari Binus Serpong!” (EBO)