This is a bright morning to start the forest school class. When the cage doors opened, little orangutans are lively out of the cage. Some are directly in the arms of the animal keeper, some are waiting below and there are those who can’t wait to pull the animal keeper’s hand and start walking into the forest.

Today is so special. Mary will be in the forest school class for the first time. Mary was immediately surrounded by other orangutans. Annie, Happi, Jojo, Owi, Bonti and Popi approached Mary. They sniffed and … examined Mary’s genital. It seems they are checking, Mary is female or male. “Geez!!!”
Annie pulled her hair, pressed and rolled Mary. Do you still remember when Annie first entered the forest school class? Annie got a hard hit? For Mary … every orangutan is busy checking lower part of her body.

The sun is right above the head, Mary climbs the tree through the hanging roots. She moves from one tree to another. Mary looks good at climbing and exploring. Maybe this ability, she got from her mother when they were together. “, Said Jhonny, coordinator of Borneo COP animal keeper. (EBO)

Pagi ini cukup cerah memulai kelas sekolah hutan. Pintu-pintu kandang dibuka. Orangutan-orangutan kecil dengan lincah keluar dari kandang, ada yang langsung berada di gendongan animal keeper, ada yang menunggu di bawah dan ada yang tak sabar menarik tangan animal keeper dan mulai berjalan masuk ke hutan.

Hari ini menjadi begitu istimewa. Mary akan masuk kelas sekolah hutan untuk pertama kalinya. Mary langsung dikelilingi orangutan-orangutan lainnya. Annie, Happi, Jojo, Owi, Bonti dan Popi mendekati Mary. Mereka mengendus dan… memeriksa kemaluan Mary. Sepertinya mereka memeriksa, Mary betina atau jantan. “Ya ampun!!!”

Annie menarik rambutnya, menekan dan menggulingkan Mary. Masih ingat saat Annie pertama kali masuk kelas sekolah hutan? Annie mendapatkan pukulan keras? Kalau Mary… setiap orangutan sibuk memeriksa bagian bawah tubuhnya.

Matahari tepat di atas kepala, Mary memanjat pohon melalui akar-akar yang bergelantungan. Dia berpindah dari satu pohon ke pohon yang lain. Mary terlihat sudah pandai memanjat dan menjelajah. Mungkin kemampuan ini, ia dapatkan dari induknya sewaktu bersama.”, ujar Jhonny, kordinator animal keeper COP Borneo. (Jhonny_CB)



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