Here he is, the noisy Jojo. Jojo always cried hysterically when he could not attend the forest school class. Last Saturday morning when the cage door opened, Jojo wanted to get out and go to the forest school. Pity, that day was not Jojo’s turn to join forest school.
Jojo cried hard, rolling in the cage. He was angry because he was not invited to forest school. Because the tears didn’t stop, Wety persuaded Jojo to be quiet. And when the animal keeper reopened the cage, Jojo stopped crying at once. Immediately he came out and grabbed the keeper’s body. Finally we brought Jojo to the forest school.
Arriving at the location of the forest school, Jojo soon climbed through the tree roots. Every now and then he looked at the keeper from above. He looked very happy to be able to play at the forest school area. “Unfortunately, the forest school schedule must still be implemented because of the limited number of animal keepers at Borneo COP,” said Wety Rupiana, coordinator of the only orangutan rehabilitation center established by Indonesian youths.
Let’s help Borneo COP to add to the animal keeper, by donating through https://www.kitabisa.com/orangindo4orangutan (EBO)
Ini dia, si berisik Jojo. Jojo selalu menangis histeris ketika tidak bisa ikut kelas sekolah hutan. Sabtu pagi kemarin ketika pintu kandang terbuka, Jojo ingin langsung keluar dan berangkat ke sekolah hutan. Kasian, hari itu bukan giliran Jojo masuk sekolah hutan.
Jojo menangis sejadi-jadinya, guling-guling di kandang. Dia marah karena tidak diajak ke sekolah hutan. Karena tangisnya tidak berhenti, Wety mengajak Jojo untuk diam. Dan ketika animal keeper membuka kembali kandang, Jojo langsung menghentikan tangisannya. Segera dia keluar dan meraih badan keeper. Akhirnya Jojo pun kami bawa ke sekolah hutan.
Sesampai di lokasi sekolah hutan, Jojo langsung naik melalui akar pohon. Sesekali melihat keeper dari atas. Dia terlihat sangat bahagia bisa bermain di lokasi sekolah hutan. “Sayang, jadwal sekolah hutan tetap harus diberlakukan karena terbatasan jumlah animal keeper di COP Borneo.”, ujar Wety Rupiana, kordinator satu-satunya pusat rehabilitasi orangutan yang didirikan putra-putri Indonesia.
Yuk bantu COP Borneo untuk menambah animal keepernya, dengan donasi melalui https://www.kitabisa.com/orangindo4orangutan