Are you missing Popi? Popi is an orangutan who joined the COP Borneo orangutan rehabilitation center since she was born. Can you imagine how small and weak she was at that time? And thanks to your support, COP Borneo employs a special baby sitter to take care of her. Thankfully, Popi was able to go through her days well. Even her weight is now 8 kg.
Little Popi is increasingly active in the forest school class. Popi is often seen playing alone at the root of trees. However, when Bonti and Happi were busy making a nest, Popi slowly approached them. When Popi was stunned to pay attention to Bonti and Happi who were busy making nests, then Wety was busy recording what Popi was doing. Wety, the baby sitter who is now the coordinator of the COP Borneo rehabilitation center just like a mother to Popi. A mother who is still worried when her foster children are out of reach, in the trees. What are you afraid of? “Fear of Popi might fall if she chose wrong root or branch to move,” said Wety Rupiana.
Well, after Bonti and Happi’s nest were done, Popi approached them closer. Popi takes a break in their nest. “Take a nap.” (EBO)
Rindu dengan Popi? Popi adalah orangutan yang masuk pusat rehabilitasi orangutan COP Borneo saat tali pusarnya baru saja lepas. Bisa kamu bayangkan, betapa kecil dan lemahnya dia saat itu? Dan berkat dukungan kamu, COP Borneo mempekerjakan satu orang baby sitter khusus untuk merawatnya. Syukurlah, Popi bisa melalui hari-harinya dengan baik, bahkan berat badannya sekarang 8 kg.
Si kecil Popi semakin aktif di kelas sekolah hutan. Popi terlihat sering bermain sendiri di akar pohon. Tapi saat Bonti dan Happi sibuk membuat sarang, Popi pun perlahan mendekati mereka. Jika Popi terpaku memperhatikan Bonti dan Happi yang sibuk membuat sarang, maka Wety pun sibuk mencatat apa yang dilakukan Popi. Wety, baby sitter yang kini menjadi kordinator pusat rehabilitasi COP Borneo seperti ibu Popi yang masih kawatir saat anak asuhnya di luar jangkauan, di atas pohon. Takut apa ya? “Takut Popi jatuh karena salah memilih akar ataupun dahan untuk berpindah.”, ujar Wety Rupiana.
Nah, usai sarang yang dibuat Bonti dan Happi jadi. Popi pun semakin mendekati mereka. Popi ikut istirahat di sarang buatan mereka. “Numpang tidur siang.” (WET)