The destruction of generator sets at monitoring stations or monitoring camps of the orangutan island of Borneo COP became the night conditions on the island of pitch darkness. The team had to go back and forth to the village to fill the flashlight batteries and other communication devices by riding in people’s houses in turn. Of course this slows down the work.
The presence of two Samarinda residents who happened to live in the village of Merasa, East Kalimantan managed to repair the solar panels to turn on electricity. “Thank you bang Simangunsong and bang Siregar! Now the monitor power monitor has been on for 24 hours. Of course this is increasingly support our activities.”, Inoy said happy because no need to pace back to the village again.
We also still need some solar panels for camp at COP Borneo orangutan rehabilitation center, Berau, East Kalimantan. The required electricity in the COP of Borneo is greater because to turn the water machine to clean the orangutan cages. Yuk help orangutans with the procurement of solar panels through https://kitabisa.com/orangindo4orangutan (LSX)
Rusaknya mesin genset di pos pantau atau camp monitoring pulau orangutan COP Borneo menjadi kondisi malam hari di pulau gelap gulita. Tim terpaksa bolak balik ke kampung untuk mengisi baterai senter maupun alat komunikasi lainnya dengan menumpang di rumah-rumah warga secara bergantian. Tentu saja ini memperlambat pekerjaan.
Kehadiran dua orang warga Samarinda yang kebetulan tinggal di kampung Merasa, Kalimantan Timur berhasil memperbaiki surya panel untuk menghidupkan listrik. “Terimakasih bang Simangunsong dan bang Siregar! Sekarang listrik camp pantau sudah menyala 24 jam. Tentu saja ini semakin menunjang aktivitas kami.”, ujar Inoy senang karena tak harus mondar-mandir ke kampung lagi.
Kami juga masih memerlukan beberapa panel surya untuk camp di pusat rehabilitasi orangutan COP Borneo, Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Listrik yang diperlukan di COP Borneo lebih besar karena untuk menghidupkan mesin air untuk membersihkan kandang-kandang orangutan. Yuk bantu orangutan dengan pengadaan panel surya lewat https://kitabisa.com/orangindo4orangutan (NOY)