#AcehEarthquake Disaster Relief

Earthquake with magnitude of 6.5 on December 7th 2016 at 05.05 AM West Indonesia Time in Pidie Jaya, Aceh, claimed 96 lives, not including the injured. Centre for Orangutan Protection along with International for Animal Welfare (IFAW) deployed APE Warrior to handle animals that affected by the earthquake.

Communication with refugees, Search and Rescue team (SAR), journalists, government and in-field monitoring concluded that not many animals were affected by this disaster. Local people that keep livestock such as goats, sheep and cows, breed them with a tradition of not putting them inside enclosures, but instead, let them free on the field thus they able to saved their own lives. This also applied to chickens.

For pets like cats, APE Warrior and Orangufriends fed them at the disaster area. Just like livestock, local people keep their cats without enclosure, so they were also free.

APE Warrior is one of COP’s team for disaster response. APE Warrior was born at the event of Merapi eruption in the end of 2010. (Animal, People, and Environment)

Gempa berkekuatan 6,5 SR pada 7 Desember 2016 pukul 05.05 WIB di Pidie Jaya Aceh memakan korban 96 jiwa belum termasuk yang luka. Centre for Orangutan Protection bersama International for Animal Welfare (IFAW) menurunkan APE Warrior untuk menanggani satwa yang terdampak gempa bumi tersebut.

Komunikasi dengan pengungsi, tim sar, wartawan, pemerintah dan pemantauan langsung ke lapangan menyimpulkan, tidak banyak satwa yang terdampakan bencana ini. Masyarakat yang berternak kambing, domba dan sapi secara tradisi tidak mengkandangkan, melainkan dibiarkan bebas (kandang umbaran) sehingga ternak selamat dari bencana. Sama halnya dengan ternak ayam. Untuk hewan peliharaan kucing, APE Warrior beserta orangufriends hanya memberi makan di lokasi bencana saja. Kucing di Aceh juga dipelihara dengan dilepaskan, sehingga kucing bebas.

APE Warrior adalah salah satu tim COP yang tanggap terhadap bencana. APE Warrior lahir di saat gunung Merapi meletus diakhir tahun 2010. (Animal, People and Environment)



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