2015 was the year that Kalimantan burned. The airports of five Kalimantan provinces were almost completely out of action. The COP Borneo Rehabilitation Centre was on standby. Centre for Orangutan Protection even stepped in to help extinguish fires at Wein River, East Kalimantan, and alongside Hutan Group with the Friends of the National Parks Foundation, in Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan.
In the annual event One World Festival in Osaka, Japan, COP and Hutan Group had the opportunity to speak about the fires that had engulfed the whole of Kalimantan, on the 6th and 7th of February 2016. In addition, Hutan Group also made efforts during the event to raise funds and campaign for the protection of natural forests from Palm oil and fires.
Tahun 2015 adalah tahun dimana Kalimantan terbakar. Bandara lima provinsi Kalimantan hampir lumpuh total. Pusat Rehabilitasi COP Borneo siaga. Centre for Orangutan Protection pun turut membantu memadamkan kebakaran di sungai Wein, Kalimantan Timur dan bersama Hutan Group dengan FNPF di Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, Kalimantan Tengah.
Pada kegiatan tahunan, One World Festival di Osaka, Jepang, COP dan Hutan Group berkesempatan menceritakan kebakaran yang melanda Kalimantan keseluruhan pada tanggal 6 dan 7 Februari 2016. Selain itu HUTAN Group berusaha menggalang dana sekaligus mengkampanyekan perlindungan hutan dari kelapa sawit dan kebakaran di acara tahunan itu.