Indonesia only have 4 decent zoos.

According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia only have 4 decent zoos. It means that the rest are just hell. We at COP try our best to help individual orang-utans in abandoned zoos. The most difficult thing is changing the culture and perception to animals among zoo people. It is very hard job indeed. This pictures was taken several years ago before we help. Soon they will have new home. Just stay tune in this page.
Menurut Kementerian Lingkungan dan Kehutanan, Indonesia hanya memiliki 4 kebun binatang yang layak. Ini berarti sisanya hanyalah neraka satwa. Kami di COP mencoba yang terbaik untuk menolong orangutan – orangutan di kebun binatang telantar. Hal paling sulit adalah merubah budaya dan persepsi mereka pada satwa. Kerja yang keras memang.



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