Geez … at the beginning of the class of COP Borneo forest school, East Kalimantan, one participant has made a riot. Annie, the newcomer looked at Happi fiercely. Not only Happi, Annie also showed an attitude of unfriendly to Owi. Owi even got a hit from Annie on the way to the forest school.

But once in the forest school, the situation becomes turned 180 degrees. Annie who always wanted to challenge Happi and Owi could not do much. Happi always tried to bite and pursue Annie, wherever Annie went. Owi did not want to lose. The first day of school became more and more difficult for Annie.

The forest school has lasted half a day. Animal keeper is busy continuously separating Annie and Happi fights. Annie also looked very tired and wanted to give up. But Happi continued to approach Annie and invite a fight. Maybe this is a welcome statement to Annie from Happi. (WET)

Ya ampun… di awal kelas sekolah hutan COP Borneo, Kalimantan Timur, satu orang peserta telah membuat kericuhan. Annie, si pendatang baru menatap Happi dengan galaknya. Tak hanya Happi, Annie pun menunjukkan sikap tidak ramahnya pada Owi. Bahkan Owi sempat mendapatkan satu pukulan dari Annie dalam perjalanan menuju sekolah hutan.

Tapi sesampainya di sekolah hutan, situasi menjadi berbalik 180 derajat. Annie yang selalu ingin menantang Happi dan Owi tak bisa berbuat banyak. Happi selalu berusaha menggigit dan mengejar Annie, kemana pun Annie pergi. Owi pun tak mau kalah. Hari pertama sekolah menjadi semakin sulit buat Annie.

Sekolah hutan telah berlangsung setengah hari. Animal keeper sibuk terus menerus memisahkan perkelahian Annie dan Happi. Annie pun terlihat sangat capek dan ingin menyerah. Namun Happi terus mendekati Annie dan mengajak berkelahi. Mungkin ini adalah ucapan selamat datang untuk Annie dari Happi. (WET)


There are 3 animal keepers who have joined the COP Borneo, Berau, East Kalimantan orangutan rehabilitation center for a long time. One of them is Joni. He grew up in the Merasa Village, near from the location of COP Borneo.

Since November 2015, Joni has now become adept at using tulup (blowpipe), drug gun and taking care of orangutans. Joni is also good at carrying ketinting (little machine boat) on a various kind of river courses. Now, he holds the responsibility for the care of orangutans and logistics. In addition, Joni also has a stake in the construction of quarantine cages for orangutans and renovation of the wood bridge.

When transferring orangutans, translocations and orangutan rescue, Joni is always on the front line with the COP Borneo medical team. He is the reliable executor of anesthesia that the medical team has always trusted. Joni got the nickname, Joni Rambo, like the heroic Hollywood movie with his gun.(IND)

Ada 3 animal keeper yang sudah cukup lama bergabung dengan pusat rehabilitasi orangutan COP Borneo, Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Salah satunya bernama Joni. Dia tumbuh dan besar di kampung Merasa yang tak jauh dari lokasi berdirinya COP Borneo.

Sejak November 2015, Joni pun sekarang sudah mahir menggunakan tulup, senapan bius dan menagani orangutan. Joni juga jago membawa ketinting dalam jalur sungai yang berat sekalipun. Kini tanggung jawab perawatan orangutan dan logistik pun dipegangnya. Selain itu, Joni juga punya andil dalam pembangunan kandang karantina untuk orangutan serta renovasi titian.

Saat pemindahan orangutan, translokasi dan penyelamatan orangutan, Joni selalu di garis depan bersama tim medis COP Borneo. Dialah, eksekutor handal pembiusan yang selalu dipercaya tim medis. Joni pun mendapat julukan, Joni Rambo, seperti di film Hollywood yang heroik dengan senjata apinya. (WET)


Two months ago Annie arrived at the COP Borneo orangutan rehabilitation center, East Kalimantan. “Annie’s behavior for two months had made us believe, Annie would immediately climb a tree and disappear in the canopy. Not only that, but we also estimate we will have difficulty asking Annie back to the cage,” said Reza Kurniawan, a primate anthropologist of COP.

But what we have predicted is missed. Annie looks confused at the forest school. He just walked around the animal keeper and climbed no higher than 3 meters. Yes, this is the first day he is free from the cage.

Annie is a male orangutan who was rescued from Merapun village, East Kalimantan. He was an illegal pet for three years before we rescue him. The owner made his behavior became tame. He was still a baby when the owner brought him, around 1 year old. At that age, orangutan babies suppose to be under parental care. The babies will continue to be attached to their mothers until they are 6 years old. After that, the mother will start weaning her child to live alone. Orangutans are basically solitary animals.

Annie’s first day at forest school will be a special note for us. We hope that COP supporters also follow Annie’s development at COP Borneo and give support to her through https://kitabisa.com/orangindo4orangutan. Wait for her three-month report in August. (IND)

Dua bulan sudah Annie tiba di pusat rehabilitasi orangutan COP Borneo, Kalimantan Timur. “Perilaku Annie selama dua bulan itu sempat membuat kami yakin, Annie akan langsung memanjat pohon lalu menghilang di dedaunan. Tak hanya itu, kami juga memperkirakan, kami akan kesulitan mengajak Annie kembali ke kandang.” ujar Reza Kurniawan, antropologis primata COP.

Namun apa yang telah kami prediksi, meleset. Annie terlihat bingung di lokasi sekolah hutan. Dia hanya berjalan-jalan di sekitar animal keeper dan memanjat tidak lebih tinggi dari 3 meter. Iya, ini adalah hari pertamanya bebas dari kandang.

Annie adalah orangutan jantan yang diselamatkan dari pemeliharaan ilegal di desa Merapun, Kalimantan Timur. Tiga tahun masa pemeliharaan tersebut membuat prilakunya menjadi jinak. Terlebih lagi di usianya yang masih bayi, saat itu sekitar 1 tahun. Usia bayi orangutan yang sedang berada dalam pengawasan ketat induknya. Anak orangutan akan terus menerus melekat pada induknya hingga berusia 6 tahun. Setelah itu, induk akan mulai menyapih anaknya agar bisa hidup sendiri. Orangutan pada dasarnya adalah mahkluk soliter.

Hari pertama Annie akan menjadi catatan tersendiri untuk kami. Kami berharap, para pendukung COP juga mengikuti perkembangan Annie selama di COP Borneo dan memberikan dukungannya lewat Tunggu rapot tiga bulanannya di bulan Agustus ya.