Fruit season is the best time to release orangutan to its habitat. However, it does not last forever. The season will also end and change. When it ends it will be a difficult time for the released orangutans.

Untung and Unyil are rehabilitated orangutans that released back to their habitat. We are quite satisfied with the release point in early April 2019. Trees around the release point were bearing fruit and abundant food. As natural food gets fewer, Untung and Unyil are seen moving to explore the forest which is a new habitat for both.

“Both orangutans are seen eating young leaves, tree cambium and occasional ant nests.”, Said Reza Kurniawan, primate expert at the Center for Orangutan Protection. Found in separate places, both Untung and Unyil frequently drink in the creek. Untung was also seen eating young flowers and leaves around the creek. “We call it water apple,” said Yosep Wan, the ranger who filled the orangutan feed data. The trees are not high and the flowers are abundant, making Untung liked to spend a long time in the river. Untung ate it heartily, the flowers he chewed sounded so delicious.

Only around 4 pm, the team lost track of Untung again. Untung ran away from the rangers because he avoided bees that attacked him. He grabbed a tree branch quickly and moved from one tree to another, until the team could no longer see him. (EBO)


Musim buah adalah masa yang paling tepat untuk melepasliarkan orangutan rehabilitasi. Namun, itu tidak bisa berlangsung sepanjang waktu. Musim buah juga akan berhenti dan berganti. Saat itu akan menjadi masa yang sulit bagi orangutan rehabilitasi.

Untung dan Unyil adalah orangutan rehabilitasi yang dilepasliarkan kembali ke habitatnya, cukup puas dengan titik pelepasliaran di awal April 2019. Pohon-pohon di sekitar titik pelepasliaran sedang berbuah dan makanan melimpah. Seiring semakin menipisnya pakan alami, Untung dan Unyil terlihat bergerak menjelajah hutan yang merupakan habitat baru untuk keduanya. 

“Kedua orangutan terlihat makan daun muda, kambium pohon dan sesekali sarang semut.”, ujar Reza Kurniawan, ahli primata Centre for Orangutan Protection. Ditemukan dalam tempat terpisah, baik Untung maupun Unyil memperbanyak minum di anak sungai. Untung juga tercatat makan bunga dan daun-daun muda di sekitaran anak sungai. “Kalau kami menyebutnya jambu air.”, kata Yosep Wan, ranger yang mengisi data pakan orangutan. Pohonnya yang tidak tinggi dan bunganya yang melimpah membuat Untung betah berlama-lama di sungai. Saking lahapnya Untung makan, bunga yang dikunyahnya terdengar begitu lezat.

Baru sekitar pukul 16.00 WITA, tim kehilangan jejak Untung lagi. Untung berlari menjauhi ranger karena menghindari kawanan lebah yang telah menyerangnya. Ia meraih ranting pohon dengan cepatnya dan berpindah dari satu pohon ke pohon yang lainnya, sampai tim tak lagi bisa melihat batang hidungnya. (WID)


Monitoring or observing orangutan activities after the release of Untung and Unyil this time, really made the team almost gave up. These two orangutans have made the monitoring team run in chaos. We call this team the APE Guardian team.

When the release, APE Guardian team for Untung first informed us that Untung’s cage had been opened. Only 420 meters away, the APE Guardian for Unyil team gave a signal, Unyil’s cage was ready to be opened. As predicted earlier, both Untung and Unyil ran towards the tree and climbed it. But not long after that, Untung climbed down and began chasing. As soon as possible, the monitoring team and even the transporting cage carriers ran away from Untung.

“It’s normal for orangutans who have undergone the rehabilitation process to still follow humans. They only need to go through adaptation again in a new environment, where humans are no longer friends, but something they must avoid. “, Said Reza Kurniawan, a primatologist at the Center for Orangutan Protection.

The APE Guardian team worked hard to avoid Untung and Unyil. Including jumping into a creek with depths of more than 1 meter. Of course they hoped that these two orangutans would be reluctant to chase. “Damn, they are not afraid of water,” said Yusak, one of the rangers.

Already soaked in the creek, still we have to run because of being chased by orangutans. The sky began to darken, Untung and Unyil seemed tired of playing chases. Unyil climbed into the tree and soon no visible movement from him, but Untung was still playing on the ground even though he was no longer chasing. “Monitoring these two orangutans is really physical draining.” (EBO)


Monitoring atau kegiatan memantau orangutan setelah pelepasliaran orangutan Untung dan Unyil kali ini, benar-benar membuat tim nyaris angkat tangan. Kedua orangutan ini membuat tim patroli kalang kabut berlarian. Kami menyebut tim ini sebagai tim APE Guardian.

Tim APE Guardian orangutan Untung terlebih dahulu menginformasikan, kandang Untung telah dibuka. Hanya berjarak 420 meter, tim APE Guardian orangutan Unyil memberi aba-aba, kandang Unyil siap dibuka. Seperti prediksi sebelumnya, baik Untung maupun Unyil berlari menuju pohon dan memanjatnya. Tapi tak berapa lama kemudian, Untung turun dan mulai mengejar. Secepatnya, tim monitoring bahkan tukang pikul kandang angkut lari terbirit-birit untuk menghindari kejaran Untung.

“Ini hal yang biasa bagi individu orangutan yang telah menjalani proses rehabilitasi masih terlihat mengikuti manusia. Mereka hanya perlu melalui adaptasi lagi di lingkungan yang baru, dimana manusia bukanlah teman lagi, tapi adalah sesuatu yang harus dihindarinya.”, ujar Reza Kurniawan, primatologis Centre for Orangutan Protection. 

Tim APE Guardian bekerja keras untuk mengurangi intesitas kejaran Untung maupun Unyil. Salah satunya dengan menyeburkan diri di anak sungai yang kedalamannya lebih dari 1 meter. Tentu saja harapannya agar kedua orangutan rehabilitasi ini enggan mengejar. “Sial, mereka tidak takut air.”, ujar Yusak salah satu ranger.

Sudah basah kuyup karena monitoring orangutan sambil berendam di anak sungai masih saja harus berlari karena dikejar orangutan. Langit mulai gelap, Untung dan Unyil namaknya sudah bosan bermain kejar-kejaran. Unyil naik ke pohon dan mulai tidak ada pergerakan, namun Untung masih bermain di tanah meski tak lagi mengejar. “Monitoring kedua orangutan ini sungguh menguras fisik.”. (WID)



When both of the transport cage doors are lifted, the two orangutans come out and reach for the nearest tree to climb. Untung and Unyil returned to their habitat and have overwhelmed the APE Guardian COP team.

Thursday, April 11, 2019 is still nine days to commemorate Earth Day. Two orangutans were released by East Kalimantan BKSDA, Dipterokarpa and Center for Orangutan Protection in Berau, East Kalimantan. A number of invited guests from the Berau Environmental Office, OWT, Kelay Koramil and Lesan Dayak Chief participated in witnessing the release this time. Luckily, the APE Guardian COP team immediately evacuated guests to leave the release site. “Untung suddenly came down from the tree and chased the team that was carrying an empty transport cage. We immediately ran away. “, Said Hery Susanto, while catching his breath. It turned out that the sound of the transport cage was enough to disturb Untung, which made Untung turned around and chased them.

While Unyil’s cage was opened by Mr. Aganto Seno from KSDA SKW I Berau. Unyil, who was worried to approach the team, was the opposite. Immediately he climbed the tree and move from one tree to another. The APE Guardian team that will monitor Unyil orangutans at their new home will keep their distance further because of Unyil’s habit to occasionally approach the team. Both are still monitored and are adapting to their new environment. 

Releases have different stories  when the cage door is opened. “We believe, every wildlife has an instinct to survive. Rehabilitation efforts will never be in vain. The dream of returning to habitat is not just wishful thinking. Thank you for the support of all parties that have enabled each individual orangutan to return to their habitat, from rescue, rehabilitation to release. A better life for orangutans, “said Reza Kurniawan, Center for Orangutan Protection optimistically. (EBO)


Saat kedua pintu kandang angkut diangkat, keduanya pun keluar dan meraih pohon terdekat untuk dipanjat. Untung dan Unyil kembali ke habitatnya dan membuat tim APE Guardian COP kewalahan.

Kamis, 11 April 2019 masih sembilan hari lagi peringatan Hari Bumi. Dua orangutan dilepasliarkan kembali oleh BKSDA Kaltim, Dipterokarpa dan Centre for Orangutan Protection di Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Beberapa tamu undangan dari Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Berau, OWT, Koramil Kelay dan Kepala Adat Lesan Dayak ikut menjadi saksi pelepasliaran kali ini. Beruntung sekali, tim APE Guardian COP segera mengevakuasi para tamu untuk meninggalkan tempat pelepasliaran. “Untung tiba-tiba saja turun dari pohon dan mengejar tim yang membawa kandang angkut kosong. Kami langsung lari tunggang langgang.”, ujar Hery Susanto sambil mengatur nafasnya kembali. Ternyata suara kandang angkut cukup menganggu Untung, hingga Untung berbalik arah dan mengejar tim.

Sementara kandang orangutan Unyil dibuka oleh Pak Aganto Seno dari KSDA SKW I Berau. Unyil yang sempat dikawatirkan mendekati tim, malah sebaliknya. Segera naik ke atas pohon dan berpindah dari satu pohon ke pohon yang lain. Tim APE Guardian yang akan memantau orangutan Unyil di rumahnya yang baru ini sengaja menjaga jarak lebih jauh, karena kebiasaan Unyil yang sesekali mendekati tim dulunya. Keduanya masih terpantau dan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan barunya.

Pelepasliaran punya cerita yang berbeda saat pintu kandang dibuka. “Kami percaya, setiap satwa liar memiliki insting untuk bertahan hidup. Usaha rehabilitasi tidak akan pernah sia-sia. Mimpi untuk kembali ke habitat bukan sekedar angan-angan. Terimakasih atas dukungan semua pihak yang telah memungkinkan setiap individu orangutan kembali ke habitatnya, mulai dari penyelamatan, rehabilitasi hingga pelepasliaran. Kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk orangutan.”, ujar Reza Kurniawan, Centre for Orangutan Protection dengan optimis.


The release day for Unyil and Untung orangutans is getting closer. The APE Guardian team is responsible for examining several points to facilitate the release process. Many considerations to determine this location. One of them is the weight of the cage that will be carried to reach that point, besides of course the location is quite safe so that orangutans can survive in their first days and so on.

The character of the orangutan to be released is another determinant. Like Unyil, who loves water and Untung who loves coconut. It’s quite complicated if you have to fulfil all this. The team debated to find best solution.

Pathways, weight of cages, availability of natural food and location security are finally priorities that cannot be negotiated. The release team’s physical fitness must also be improved because they must continuously monitor the orangutans after being released. Team logistics must also be considered.
So, releasing orangutans is not only the work of one person, not the work of one institution. The release of orangutans is a joint work for Indonesian orangutans.(EBO)

Hari pelepasliaran orangutan Unyil dan Untung semakin dekat. Tim APE Guardian yang bertanggung jawab mencoba beberapa titik untuk mempermudah proses pelepasliaran. Banyak pertimbangan untuk menentukan titik tersebut. Salah satunya, beratnya kandang yang akan dipikul untuk mencapai titik tersebut, selain tentu saja titik cukup aman sehingga orangutan dapat survive dihari-hari pertamanya dan seterusnya.

Karakter orangutan yang akan dilepasliarkan juga menjadi salah satu penentu titik yang akan digunakan. Seperti orangutan Unyil yang sangat menyukai air dan orangutan Untung yang sangat menyukai kelapa. Cukup rumit jika harus memenuhi ini semua. Sampai akhirnya tim pun berdebat.

Jalur, berat kandang, ketersediaan pakan alami dan keamanan lokasi akhirnya menjadi prioritas yang tidak bisa ditawar lagi. Fisik tim pelepasliaran pun harus ditingkatkan karena tim harus terus memonitor orangutan setelah dilepasliarkan. Logistik tim juga harus diperhatikan.

Jadi, melepasliarkan orangutan bukan hanya kerja satu orang, bukan pula kerja satu lembaga. Pelepasliaran orangutan adalah kerja bersama untuk orangutan Indonesia.


Dalwood Wylie Orangutan Sanctuary is a place for resting orangutans that cannot be released back into their habitat. Orangutans who have been in contact with humans for too long and lose their ability as wild orangutans also deserve a good life, live without bars. These orangutans can also try to live like wild orangutans but with limited roaming area.

Before these orangutans got the chance, the APE Guardian team explored and get data about the island. “The first time I set foot I found a red durian fell on the ground. It turned out that not only one, but there were eight pieces scattered on the ground and the team became busy opening the red durian, “said Widhi, COP volunteers who participated. This has made the survey process for fruit tree species on the island then slowed down.

The availability of fruit feed for orangutans on this island is quite abundant. Besides red durian, commonly called laung by local residents, we can find green prickly durians too. The team also found krutungan, a small green-skinned durian with the size of only two human fists.

“We hope that this orangutan island can be a home for those who cannot return to their habitat.”, said Reza Kurniawan, APE Guardian COP coordinator. “Hopefully this dream can be realized. We ask for help from all parties, orangutans are the pride of Indonesia.”. (EBO)

Dalwood Wylie Orangutan Sanctuary adalah sebuah tempat peristirahatan orangutan yang tak bisa dilepasliarkan kembali ke habitatnya. Yaitu orangutan yang sudah terlalu lama bersentuhan dengan manusia dan kehilangan kemampuannya sebagai orangutan liar yang juga berhak untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang baik, hidup tanpa jeruji besi. Orangutan-orangutan ini juga bisa mencoba hidup seperti orangutan liar dengan daya jelajah terbatas.

Sebelum orangutan-orangutan ini mendapatkan kesempatan itu, tim APE Guardian menjajaki dan mendata pulau ini. “Pertama kali menapakkan kaki saja sudah menemukan buah durian merah yang terjatuh. Ternyata tak hanya satu, tapi ada delapan buah berserakan di tanah dan tim pun menjadi sibuk membuka durian merah tersebut.”, ujar Widhi, relawan COP yang ikut. Rencana survei spesies pohon buah di pulau pun tersendat.

Ketersediaan pakan buah bagi orangutan di pulau ini bisa dibilang cukup berlimpah. Selain durian merah atau biasa disebut warga setempat dengan laung, kita bisa menjumpai durian berduri hijau juga. Tim juga menemukan durian mungil berkulit dan berduri hijau yang besarnya hanya sebesar dua kepalan telapak tangan manusia dengan nama lokalnya krutungan.

“Kami berharap, pulau orangutan ini bisa menjadi rumah untuk mereka yang tak bisa kembali ke habitatnya.”, harap Reza Kurniawan, kordinator APE Guardian COP. “Semoga mimpi ini bisa terwujud. Mohon bantuan semua pihak, orangutan adalah kebanggaan Indonesia.”. (Widhi_COPSchool8)


Who said “coffee break” only applies at a formal meeting? It also happens in the forest. We pause our activity after monitoring orangutans, or after hours of walking to track orangutans. Then we take “coffee break”. We stop for a moment, relieving fatigue and thirst. Even without sweet cakes to balance the bitter of the coffee, “coffee break” remains the sweetest activity for all rangers.

“Break!” Don’t be surprised you heard this sound in the forest. On the riverside, one thermos of black coffee is shared with separate sugars. Each ranger has a different taste of sweetness. After the coffee and sugar entering the glass, just remember that the spoon is left in the camp. So, how could we stir the coffee without a spoon? The rangers use wood branches to stir and add flavor.

Spending time with small talk and jokes, the “coffee break” was always followed by laughter. In fact, with a glass of black coffee and a little chat, the fatigue we felt was gone. Being a ranger takes a lot of physical energy because you have to walk in the forest with difficult terrain. “Let’s go”, said one of the ranger to end the “coffee break”. We continue to patrol with a new passion. (IND)

Siapa bilang istilah “coffee break” hanya berlaku di sebuah acara pertemuan formal. Istilah tersebut juga berlaku di hutan. Benar-benar di tengah hutan. Sesaat saja, berhenti sejenak dari monitoring orangutan, atau setelah berjam-jam berjalan menelusuri jejak orangutan. Maka “coffee break” pun berlaku. Sambil melepas penat dan dahaga walau tanpa kue manis lawan pahitnya kopi, tapi “coffee break” tetap menjadi bagian termanis bagi para ranger.

“Break”! Jangan sampai kaget jika di sunyinya hutan terdengar kata ini. Seperti biasa, di pinggiran anak sungai, satu termos kopi hitam dibagi rata, dengan gula yang terpisah. Tiap ranger punya rasa yang berbeda. Setelah gula masuk ke dalam segelas kopi, baru ingat kalau sendok tidak terbawa. Karena sendok tak jadi ngopi? Masih ada ranting kayu untuk mengaduk, ini akan menambah citarasa.

Diselipi dengan obrolan ringan dan candaan, “coffee break” pun selalu diikuti gelak tawa para ranger. Nyatanya, dengan segelas kopi hitam dan sedikit obrolan, penat yang dirasakan ranger pun menyusut. Wajar saja, menjadi ranger banyak menguras tenaga fisik karena harus berjalan di hutan dengan medan yang tidak mudah. “Lanjut”, sahut salah seorang ranger untuk mengakhiri “coffee break”. Patroli lagi dengan semangat terbaru. (REZ)


Patrolling on foot by combing the Lesan River Protected Forest (HLSL) track armed with enthusiasm and togetherness to protect the forest. At 4 am local time, the APE Guardian team, the rangers were up and ready. Relying on both feet, walking in the forest by making a GPS sign when seeing an orangutan nest, orangutan and other wildlife feed or their remains. Those findings are never been missed recorded in the team’s small notes during the patrol.

Each ranger travels 10 kilometers, even more with lane conditions that are not all flat. Rangers have to climb two or three hills and occasionally bonus flat track, then rocks and creeks are waiting ahead. Trees that are dense with hanging thorns and even itchy leaves that if touched by the skin will cause extraordinary itching makes the rangers to be extra cautious. Plus the cute and wet leeches that are ready to go along while sucking blood between the toes. If you like challenges … of course the journey to become a ranger will be your unforgettable experience!

Fatigue, combined with the peace of the forest after having lunch is very difficult to avoid for someone to nap. Take a little time to close your eyes for a moment even only lying down on dry leaves and river rocks. Of course, still ready to be awake with the camera ready to capture important moments, even when the rangers are asleep. (EBO)

Patroli dengan berjalan menyisir jalur Hutan Lindung Sungai Lesan (HLSL) berbekal semangat dan kebersamaan untuk menjaga hutan. Tim APE Guardian pukul 04.00 WITA, para ranger sudah bangun dan bersiap. Mengandalkan kedua kaki, berjalan di hutan dengan membuat tanda di GPS ketika bertemu sarang orangutan, pakan atau bekas pakan orangutan maupun satwa liar lainnya dengan sedikit catatan kecil tak luput dari perhatian ranger selama patroli.

Setiap ranger menempuh perjalanan 10 kilometer, bahkan lebih dengan keadaan jalur yang tak semuanya mendatar. Ranger harus mendaki dua atau tiga bukit dan sesekali bonus jalan mendatar setelah itu jalur batu-batuan dan anak sungai sudah menanti. Pohon-pohon yang rapat dengan duri-duri yang menggelantung bahkan daun yang jika tersentuh kulit menyebabkan gatal yang luar biasa harus menjadi kewaspadaan tersendiri bagi para ranger yang ikut patroli. Ditambah si imut nan basah yang siap ikut berjalan bersama sembari menghisap darah di sela-sela jari kaki. Jika kamu suka tantangan… tentu perjalanan menjadi ranger akan menjadi pengalamanmu yang tak terlupakan!

Kelelahan didukung damainya hutan sulit sekali untuk menghindari tidur siang usai makan siang. Mencuri sedikit waktu untuk memejamkan mata sejenak walau hanya beralaskan daun kering dan batu-batuan sungai. Tentu saja, tetap ada yang terjaga dengan kamera siap mengabadikan momen yang ada, tak terkecuali saat ranger terlelap. (Ipeh_Orangufriends)


Today Bit and two other rangers are on holidays. Holiday does not mean doing nothing, “I’ll get sick if I do nothing”, Said Bit. Bit then invited Steven and Bayu to clean the boat engine and generator engine. “inventory maintenance is mandatory.”, The Bit said again. Understandably, the boat is their main and only transportation. Going to the village, transporting logistics and fishing for side dishes also cannot be done without a boat, while the generator engine is the only source of electricity in Lejak’s camp.

Steven pulled out the boat machine with Bayu’s help. Then the Bit cleaned every part of the machine, tapped out the used oil and replaced it with new one. After that, Bit rechecked to ensure that there was no problem with the engine. The saggy bolts are quickly refastened. Not forget to check the fan function also.

Then, Steven and Bayu put the boat machine back on and tried it. The engine was turned on and the boat ran upstream. “Safe!”, Steven shouted from a distance signaling Bit that the boat machine was in good condition. The engine was done. Now it was turn for the boat ‘Way Back Home’ that needed maintenance. Steven also invited others to wash the boat. “Exciting!!!”. (EBO)

Kebetulan sekali, hari ini, Bit dan dua ranger lainnya sedang mendapat jatah libur monitoring. Libur bukan berarti berdiam diri, “Malah sakit semua badanku nanti.”, ujar Bit. Bit pun mengajak Steven dan Bayu untuk membersihkan mesin ketinting dan mesin generator. “Merawat inventaris itu wajib.”, kata Bit lagi. Maklum saja, perahu menjadi transportasi utama dan satu-satunya. Pergi ke kampung, mengangkut logistik dan memancing ikan untuk lauk pun juga tak bisa dilakukan tanpa ketinting dan mesin generator adalah sumber listrik satu-satunya di camp Lejak.

Steven mengeluarkan mesin ketinting dengan bantuan Bayu. Lalu Bit membersihkan setiap bagian mesin, mengeluarkan oli lama dan menggantinya dengan oli baru. Selepas itu, Bit kembali memastikan tidak ada yang bermasalah dengan mesin ketinting. Baut-baut yang kendor dengan cepat dirapatkan kembali. Tak ketinggalan, mengecek fungsi kipas.

Lalu, Steven dan Bayu memasang kembali mesin ketinting dan mencobanya. Mesin dihidupkan dan perahu dijalankan hingga ke hulu sungai. “Aman!”, teriak Steven dari kejauhan sambal memberi isyarat kepada Bit bahwa mesin ketinting dalam kondisi bagus. Mesin sudah oke, giliran perahu ‘Way Back Home’ yang mendapat perawatan. Steven pun mengajak yang lainnya untuk memandikan perahu. “Seru!!!”. (REZ)


For one month after the release of Novi and Leci orangutans, the APE Guardian team has identified 84 types of fruit trees. 80% of them are are natural orangutan food. When orangutans eat fruits in the forest, they will become an distribution agent of the fruit trees in the forest.

Lets say Novi is eating rambutan forest, and shortly after he moves, explores, and finally rests after walking for about 2 kms. In between, he, he poops. The seeds from the fruits he ate can not be digested and eventually came out with the feces.

In the afternoon, Novi begin to break the twigs, braiding them to become a nest throughout the night. the fallen leaves looks scattered on the ground mixed with dirt. In the morning, the sun starts to break through the forest canopy trying to reach the forest floor to grow sprouts in lieu of old, dead trees.

Without orangutans, it is almost impossible for the sunlight to reach the ground to help the sprouts grow. Without orangutans, it is impossible for fruit tree seeds to spread. Yes… the forests needs orangutans to enrich them. (SAR)

Selama satu bulan sejak pelepasan orangutan Novi dan Leci, tim APE Guardian sudah mengidentifikasi 84 jenis pohon buah. 80% nya merupakan pakan orangutan. Jadi saat orangutan memakan buah-buahan yang tersedia di hutan ini, orangutan pun mulai menjadi agen persebaran buah tersebut.

Sebut saja, rambutan hutan yang sedang dimakan Novi, tak lama kemudian, Novi berpindah tempat, menjelajah dan akhirnya beristirahat setelah berjalan sejauh sekitar 2 km. Di sela-sela istirahatnya, Novi berak, biji dari buah-buahan yang dimakannya tidak bisa dicerna dan akhirnya keluar bersama kotorannya.

Sore harinya, Novi mulai mematah-matahkan ranting, menjalinnya untuk dijadikan sarang sepanjang malamnya. Guguran daun-daun terlihat berserakan di lantai hutan bercampur dengan kotoran. Saat pagi dan matahari mulai menerobos di antara kanopi hutan berusaha mencapai lantai hutan untuk menumbuhkan tunas-tunas sebagai pengganti pohon-pohon yang tua dan mati.

Tanpa orangutan, hampir tak mungkin sinar matahari yang sangat dibutuhkan tunas-tunas tersebut sampai di lantai hutan. Tanpa orangutan tak mungkin biji-biji pohon buah itu berpindah tempat. Ya… hutan butuh orangutan untuk memperkaya dirinya.


The annual school organized by the Center for Orangutan Protection spawns new seedlings of conservationists. They are Reza Dwi Kurniawan, COP School Batch 5, Lafizatun Azizah COP School Batch 6, drh. Flora and Pasianus Idam, COP School Batch 7, Widi Nursanti, COP School Batch 8. They all work together and live away from cellular signal and bustle of the city. The Lesan River Protected Forest (HLSL) is now their temporary place of residence to assist the monitoring process of released orangutan carried out by the East Kalimantan BKSDA assisted by the COP.

It is a very proud thing when COP alumni gathered and worked together to help save orangutans and remaining forests in East Kalimantan. “The regeneration works when new young individuals grow and develop in the activities of saving Indonesia’s biodiversity.”, said Daniek Hendarto, the head of the previous COP School.

Their activities are quite busy at HLSL, with the rangers they work from morning to dusk exploring the forest, watching the orangutans. At night, their work is not over yet. Ipeh, Lafizatun Azizah’s nickname, and Widi ensure that the recap data on monitoring and documentation is well documented and fully recorded in their records. Paianus Idam made sure map data from GPS was recorded perfectly. While Vet Flora evaluated the possibility of medical action if needed for orangutans. No matter how tiring the day is, reporting still needs to be done. Accompanied by hot coffee and tea they chatter about how their days went. From leeches sucking their blood to falling into wild boar mud puddles are among the entertaining topics before they lie down, and sleep.

“I am a person who always believe that when you plant good things, they will reap good seeds too. Like at the School COP, we plant a strong sense of mutual cooperation as a family and work with the heart. Because everything that starts from heart results in happiness and will produce good things including in this monitoring activity,” said Daniek Hendarto. Someday, COP will see them grow from a small school in the city of Yogyakarta, it’s called COP School. (EBO)

The annual school organized by the Center for Orangutan Protection spawns new seedlings of conservationists. They are Reza Dwi Kurniawan, COP School Batch 5, Lafizatun Azizah COP School Batch 6, drh. Flora and Pasianus Idam, COP School Batch 7, Widi Nursanti, COP School Batch 8. They all work together and live away from cellular signal and bustle of the city. The Lesan River Protected Forest (HLSL) is now their temporary place of residence to assist the monitoring process of released orangutan carried out by the East Kalimantan BKSDA assisted by the COP.

It is a very proud thing when COP alumni gathered and worked together to help save orangutans and remaining forests in East Kalimantan. “The regeneration works when new young individuals grow and develop in the activities of saving Indonesia’s biodiversity.”, said Daniek Hendarto, the head of the previous COP School.

Their activities are quite busy at HLSL, with the rangers they work from morning to dusk exploring the forest, watching the orangutans. At night, their work is not over yet. Ipeh, Lafizatun Azizah’s nickname, and Widi ensure that the recap data on monitoring and documentation is well documented and fully recorded in their records. Paianus Idam made sure map data from GPS was recorded perfectly. While Vet Flora evaluated the possibility of medical action if needed for orangutans. No matter how tiring the day is, reporting still needs to be done. Accompanied by hot coffee and tea they chatter about how their days went. From leeches sucking their blood to falling into wild boar mud puddles are among the entertaining topics before they lie down, and sleep.

“I am a person who always believe that when you plant good things, they will reap good seeds too. Like at the School COP, we plant a strong sense of mutual cooperation as a family and work with the heart. Because everything that starts from heart results in happiness and will produce good things including in this monitoring activity,” said Daniek Hendarto. Someday, COP will see them grow from a small school in the city of Yogyakarta, it’s called COP School. (EBO)

Sekolah tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Centre for Orangutan Protection menelurkan bibit penggiat konservasi baru. Ada Reza Dwi Kurniawan alumni COP School Batch 5, Lafizatun Azizah alumni COP School Batch 6, drh. Felisitas Flora dan Pasianus Idam yang merupakan alumni COP School Batch 7 serta Widi Nursanti alumni COP School Batch 8. Mereka berempat bahu membahu dan tinggal jauh dari sinyal dan hiruk pikuk kota. Hutan Lindung Sungai Lesan (HLSL) saat ini menjadi tempat tinggal mereka sementara waktu untuk membantu proses monitoring pelepasliaran orangutan yang dilakukan oleh BKSDA Kalimantan Timur dibantu oleh COP.

Ini adalah hal yang sangat membanggakan ketika para alumni sekolahan COP berkumpul dan bekerja bersama untuk membantu menyelamatkan orangutan dan hutan tersisa di Kalimantan Timur. Ini sebuah regenerasi yang berhasil ketika individu muda baru tumbuh dan berkembang dalam aktivitas penyelamatan keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia.”, ujar Daniek Hendarto, kepala sekolah COP School terdahulu.

Kegiatan mereka di HLSL cukup padat, bersama para ranger mereka bekerja dari pagi hingga malam menjelang untuk menjelajahi hutan, mengawasi orangutan. Di malam hari, pekerjaan mereka belum usai, Ipeh panggilan akrab Lafizatun Azizah bersama Widi memastikan data rekap monitoring dan dokumentasi terarsip baik dan terekap dengan lengkap dalam catatan mereka. Paianus Idam memastikan data peta dari GPS tercatat dengan sempurna. Sementara drh. Flora mengevaluasi kemungkinan tindakan medis jika diperlukan orangutan. Secapek apapun mereka, pelaporan tetap dilakukan. Ditemani kopi dan teh panas dengan obrolan bagaimana pacet menghisap darah hingga jatuh terperosok di kubangan lumpur babi hutan menjadi bumbu segar sebelum mereka merebahkan diri, tidur. (NIK)