Since mid-May 2019, Michelle has inhabited a pre-release island which is the final stage of a rehabilitation process at COP Borneo. Michelle survives in semi-wild environments such as by making nests, looking for natural food, and others and this will determine whether she can be released back into her habitat or not.

During the first month Michelle was still adapting to her new environment. She never looked down to the ground, she just moved around with the help of a rope mounted on a tree on the island.

The second month, Michelle began to look down to the ground, usually during the day. She went down to the ground maybe to find food on the old feeding platform. Not finding food there, she immediately returned to the tree quickly. “It looks more like running,” said Steven, an island monitoring staff during June. (


Sejak pertengahan bulan Mei 2019, Michelle menghuni pulau pra-pelepasliaran yang merupakan tahapan akhir sebuah proses rehabilitasi di COP Borneo. Perkembangannya Michelle bertahan hidup di lingkungan yang semi liar seperti membuat sarang, mencari pakan alami, dan lain-lain akan menjadi penentu, apakah dia bisa dilepasliarkan kembali ke habitatnya atau tidak. 

Sebulan pertama Michelle dipindahkan ke pulau, dia masih beradaptasi dengan lingkungan barunya. Tidak pernah terlihat Michelle turun ke tanah, dia hanya berpindah-pindah tempat dengan bantuan tali yang dipasang di atas pohon di dalam pulau.

Bulan kedua, Michelle mulai terlihat turun ke tanah, biasanya pada siang hari. Dimungkinkan dia turun ke tanah untuk mencari makan di feeding platform yang lama. Tidak mendapati makanan di situ, dia langsung kembali ke atas pohon dengan cepat. “Lebih terlihat seperti berlari.”, kata Steven, staf monitoring pulau selama bulan Juni. (FLO)



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