Since Tuesday afternoon, one by one the Batch 9 COP School participants arrived. New faces, looked hesitant at first, reached out to get acquainted. They are agents of change for the next conservation world.

Of course their presence in the APE Warrior camp went through some struggle. They ventured to register, reached into their pockets to pay the registration fee, took the time to work on assignments at the selection stage and the costs to arrive in Yogyakarta was not small . Of the nearly 170 who were interested, it shrank to 49 people and ended up with 29 people who had the opportunity to take part in the COP School on 9-14 January 2019. “Actually there were 31 who passed the selection stage, but three of them had to resign due to urgent needs. If you want to join next year, you have to register and went through the selection process again”, Said Ramadhani, head of the COP School.

“This is not over, if you have participated in the Batch 9 COP School then what next? Please apply what you have learned in the next five days. At the end of 2019, at the Jambore Orangufriends, it’s graduation time with what you have applied after finishing Yogya sessions,” added Ramadhani again. Then … let’s be companions for the Batch 10 COP School participants. This is what we call the regeneration of Indonesia’s change agents. #IndonesiaBisa (EBO)

Sejak Selasa sore, satu persatu peserta COP School Batch 9 berdatangan. Wajah-wajah baru dengan tingkah yang ragu-ragu mengulurkan tangan untuk berkenalan. Mereka adalah agen perubahan untuk dunia konservasi selanjutnya.

Tentu saja kehadiran mereka di camp APE Warrior penuh perjuangan. Mereka memberanikan diri mendaftar, merogoh kantungnya untuk membayar biaya pendaftaran, meluangkan waktu mengerjakan tugas di tahap seleksi dan biaya yang tidak sedikit untuk sampai di Yogyakarta. Dari hampir 170 yang tertarik, menyusut menjadi 49 orang dan berakhir dengan 29 orang yang berkesempatan mengikuti COP School pada 9-14 Januari 2019. “Sebenernya ada 31 yang lulus seleksi, namun terpaksa mengundurkan diri karena ada keperluan mendesak. Jika mau ikut tahun depan, ya harus daftar dan seleksi lagi.”, ujar Ramadhani, kepala sekolah COP School tiga tahun terakhir ini.

“Ini belum berakhir, jika kamu sudah ikut COP School Batch 9 lalu bagaimana? Silahkan terapkan apa yang kamu peroleh selama lima hari kedepan. Akhir tahun 2019, di Jambore Orangufriends saatnya wisuda dengan apa yang telah kamu lakukan usai dari Yogya.”, tambah Ramadhani lagi. Kemudian… yuk jadi pendamping untuk peserta COP School Batch 10. Ini yang kami sebut regenerasi agen perubahan Indonesia. #IndonesiaBisa



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