Novi, the male orangutan ex-rehab, often makes the monitoring team into chaos. After not being tracked for nearly two weeks after the release, Novi showed up his existence by hanging on a tree. Then the next two days the team lost his track again. Furthermore, two days later the team was surprised by Novi’s appearance around where the team saw him at the last time.

Novi continues to be seen swinging here and there in the Kenari tree (species of Sapindaceae or soapberry family). “Novi loves the Kenari very much,” said Yusak, one of our rangers who was filling out the orangutan food form. It can be proven by the form. From the early minutes Yusak noted, Novi ate a lot of Kenari fruits.

Apparently, Novi likes the sweet-sour taste of the fruit. The monitoring team also try Kenari fruit to fulfill their curiosity. Once there was a Kenari dropped by Novi from a 20-meters tree, someone rushed to pick it up. The first bite made Widi’s face shrink. “I thought it was sweet, but it is very sour,” said Widi, the APE Guardian team volunteer. No wonder why, Novi dropped the unripe fruit. This fruit looks like almonds with white flesh in it. If it is unripe, the skin color is green. But when it is ripe, the skin color turns black and the flavor is a little sweet.

Novi did not want to get away from Kenari trees. For several times Novi was observed making nests near that tree. “Maybe after waking up Novi will immediately eat Kenari,” thought the ranger. Apparently, the prediction went true. From 05.00 WITA the team monitored Novi, the orangutan came out from the nest. As soon as he woke up, he immediately rushed to swing towards the Kenari tree.

Rangers were optimistic that Novi could be an agent in regenerating forests, after finding that Novi’s feces are mixed with dozens of Kenari seeds, scattered far away from the main tree. (IND)

Individu orangutan jantan bernama Novi ini memang kerap membuat tim monitoring kalang kabut. Setelah tidak terpantau jejaknya hampir selama dua pekan paska rilis, Novi kembali menunjukkan eksistensinya dengan bergelantungan di pohon. lalu dua hari berikutnya tim kembali kehilangan jejaknya. Selanjutnya, selang dua hari tim dibuat terkejut dengan kemunculan Novi di sekitar lokasi terakhir tim kehilangan jejak Novi.

Novi terus terlihat berayun kesana kemari di pohon kenari. “Ternyata si Novi ini suka buah kenari,” ucap Yusak salah seorang ranger yang tengah mengisi form pakan orangutan. Bagaimana tidak, dari menit awal Yusak mencatat, Novi banyak sekali makan buah kenari.

Rupanya, Novi suka rasa manis masam buah itu. Sampai-sampai membuat tim monitoring ingin mencicipi rasa buah kenari. Begitu ada buah kenari yang dijatuhkan Novi dari ketinggian pohon sekitar 20 meter, ada yang bergegas mengambilnya. Gigitan pertama membuat wajah Widi mengkerut. “Kukira manis, ternyata rasanya masam,” ungkap Widi relawan Tim APE Guardian. Pantas saja masam, ternyata Novi menjatuhkan buah kenari yang belum matang. Buah yang bentuknya mirip kacang almond ini, memiliki daging berwarna putih di dalamnya. Jika belum matang warna kulitnya hijau, begitu buahnya matang warna kulitnya berubah menjadi hitam dan ada tambahan rasa sedikit manis.

Saking doyan dan suka dengan buah ini, Novi tak ingin jauh-jauh dari pohon kenari. Beberapa kali Novi terpantau membuat sarang di dekat pohon kenari. “Mungkin setelah bangun tidur Novi bisa langsung makan buah kenari,” pikir para ranger. Ternyata perkiraan itu tidak meleset. Dari pukul 05.00 WITA tim memantau Novi yang kala itu masih mendekam di sarang, begitu terbangun Novi langsung bergegas berayun menuju pohon kenari.

Para ranger optimis bahwa Novi bisa menjadi agen dalam meregenerasi hutan, setelah menemukan kotoran Novi bercampur dengan puluhan biji kenari tercecer jauh dari pohon induknya. (REZ)



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