Her small body screamed and hobbled toward the Animals Warrior team. Among the ruins of the house, the team found a kitten who was dehydrated and malnourished. The Animals Warrior team, who had worked two weeks on the field, went around looking for her mother. Unfortunately, after trying to find, the mother never appeared. Gempi, this kitten was evacuated from the liquefaction location in Balaroa Village, Palu, Central Sulawesi.

The team took Gempi to the Palu Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Relief Camp at the BKSDA (Natural Resources Agency) Central Sulawesi and then moved it to the Palu cat shelter, run by Mrs. Ana. In this shelter, there are about 70 abandoned cats treated by Mrs. Ana. The condition of the shelter is not much different from the condition of the house or office in Palu, it is cracked and collapsed. Mrs. Ana was forced to put up a temporary tarpaulin in front of her house to avoid heat and rain but it did not last long, because when the wind blew hard, the tarpaulin was scattered.

Animals Warrior immediately divided the team into 2 groups, one group evacuated several animals from the BKSDA Central Sulawesi to Manado and the others rebuilt Mrs. Ana’s cat shelter. “Luckily, there is material shop already open. The team also bought wood and other necessities. In two days, the shelter roof was installed. Cages were arranged to make maintenance easier”, said Daniek Hendarto. Strong winds often blow in Palu and the last two days of rain are quite heavy. Meanwhile, to include cats into the house, Mrs. Ana was still traumatized by the earthquake so she did not dare to stay in the house for too long.

Thank you for the donation via Without all the help, it might be difficult to immediately realize a better place for cats in Ms. Ana’s shelter.

Tubuh kecilnya berteriak dan tertatih-tatih mendekati tim Animals Warrior. Di antara reruntuhan rumah, tim menemukan anak kucing yang mengalami dehidrasi dan malnutrisi. Tim Animals Warrior yang saat itu sudah bekerja dua minggu di lapangan langsung berkeliling mencari induknya. Sayang, setelah berusaha mencari, sang induk tak kunjung muncul. Gempi, anak kucing ini pun dievakuasi dari lokasi likuifaksi kelurahan Balaroa, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah.

Tim membawa Gempi ke Posko Satwa Terdampak Bencana Gempa dan Tsunami Palu yang berada di BKSDA Sulteng dan kemudian memindahkannya ke shelter kucing Palu ibu Ana. Di shelter ini sendiri ada sekitar 70 kucing terlantar yang dirawat ibu Ana. Kondisi shelter tak jauh berbeda dengan kondisi rumah maupun perkantoran yang ada di Palu, retak bahkan rubuh. Ibu Ana pun terpaksa memasang terpal sementara di depan rumahnya untuk sekedar menghindari panas dan hujan namun tak bertahan lama, karena saat angin berhembus kencang, terpal pun kocar-kacir.

Animals Warrior segera membagi tim yang ada, sebagian mengevakuasi satwa sitaan BKSDA Sulteng ke Menado dan yang lainnya membangun kembali shelter kucing ibu Ana. “Beruntung, sudah ada toko bangunan yang buka. Tim pun berbelanja kayu dan keperluan lainnya. Dalam dua hari, atap shelter darurat pun terpasang. Kandang-kandang pun disusun untuk lebih memudahkan perawatan.”, ujar Daniek Hendarto dengan lega. Bagaimana tidak lega, angin kencang sering berhembus di Palu dan dua hari terakhir hujan lumayan lebat. Sementara untuk memasukkan kucing-kucing ke dalam rumah, ibu Ana sendiri masih trauma karena gempa sehingga tidak berani terlalu lama berada di dalam rumah.

Terimakasih atas donasi melalui Tanpa bantuan semuanya mungkin akan sulit untuk langsung mewujudkan tempat yang lebih baik untuk kucing0-kucing di shelter ibu Ana.



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