Both of his eyes were blinded, open wound and bruises found all over his body. COP Medic team tried their best to help him. Unfortunately, his injury is beyond our help.
Finally the male orangutan passed away.
This case in Bontang, East Kalimantan is the second case of orangutan violence. Back in May 2016, an orangutan was amputated due to and finnally passed away too. The case? It was shoved into the fridge. Should this case be the same? Please share… so this case won’t end up in the back of the fridge too!

Kedua matanya buta, luka-luka di sekujur tubuhnya masih menganga, lebam di tubuhnya tak terhitung lagi.
Tim medis COP berusaha memberikan pertolongan. Sayangnya sakit yang dideritanya sudah terlalu parah.
Akhirnya orangutan jantan ini merengang nyawa.
Bontang, Kalimantan Timur 2018 ini adalah kasus kekejaman terhadap orangutan yang kedua. Mei 2016 yang lalu, orangutan dengan kaki terjerat dan terpaksa diamputasi pun harus mati. Kasusnya? Masuk peti es. Harus kah yang sekarang juga?Please share… agar kasus ini tak masuk peti es juga!



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